Low calorie goals

Hi, I'm Laura. I've been on here a week. Feel free to introduce yourselves as I only have a couple of friends on here so far!
I currently weigh 130 lbs. I lost 2 lbs over the last week and I'm really pleased and motivated. A few years ago I had a minor ED, but not too serious... Come to think of it, it was about 6 years ago. Since then I have been tempted to slip back into a self-destructive style of dieting but I've managed to resist. But ever since I was 12 I just haven't been able to eat very much- not due to self esteem, but I just physically can't. When I started this account, I set my calorie goals to what I normally eat (about 500 calories a day... I usually fall under) because I just don't see myself eating 1000+ unless I exercise a lot more than I do now, but I currently exercise near enough every day.
I don't think eating 1000+ calories is a bad thing for anyone, but when I see 'you're eating too few calories' and 'under calorie goal' it's a little disheartening. I eat nutritionally and I'm in good health, I'm just trying to lose a little weight by exercising more and watching out for really obviously fatty foods.
Is the way I eat abnormal? Because I'm really not sure. I mentioned it to my friends at college yesterday because it just fell into conversation when my friend was talking about weight she'd lost or something and they just completely cut me down and made me feel disgusting and inferior, and at least one of them knows I've had a history of dietary struggle. I had to walk out of my lesson in tears later that day.


  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I am glad to hear that you are avoiding the "self-destructive style of dieting". You've probably heard this all before, but have you tried more calorie dense foods? So you are eating more calories, without having to physically eat more food. Things like unsalted nuts, peanut butter, pasta and bread are very calorie dense.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Is the way I eat abnormal?

    Yes. Well, not abnormal in the sense that "nobody does it", but abnormal for your body very likely.

    The thing is you're still only 18, so your body can take a lot of abuse (that is: eat little, eat a lot, poor sleep patterns, etc.) but this is only going to get worse as you grow older, so you will need to be more and more careful... You can probably get away with it for now though.

    Also, I know that on 500 cals a day, I would personally lack energy (for just normal activities), so I can't even imagine running/weight training on top.
    But ever since I was 12 I just haven't been able to eat very much- not due to self esteem, but I just physically can't.
    Once you start building more muscles (i.e. practice a physical activity), your body will request more fuel... It's probably on a stasis at the moment.
  • WalkingFlower
    WalkingFlower Posts: 41 Member
    I think 500 calories a day is very low food intake. And now, when you need to loss weight...
    This may be because your body is still hungry and once it reaches some food, then it makes the fat deposits and it is preparing for a further period of starvation.
    Exercise every day is also not the best because your body needs to rest well, better is to exercise 3-4 times a week and other days to go for a walk.
    Advice from Dexy is good. Focus on pasta and nuts, mainly walnuts.

    During my life, I also had a problem with food intake. There were times when I ate very little. Not due to diet, but because of stress. I lost a lot and then when the period of stress was gone, I gained a lot. Now, I eat around 1200 and it is great, it's controlled, and MFP is 'screaming' when I ate during the day too little .

    I wish you luck, weight loss in combination with the physical problem of food intake is a very difficult way :(
  • starfires
    starfires Posts: 28 Member
    Chronic undereating can cause a host of serious problems - amenorrhoea, hair loss, infertility and osteoporosis to name a few. Although you may feel you're eating healthily, your body is surely lacking adequate amounts of key nutrients. I also worry that you think you need to exercise more just to eat over 1000 calories. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it doesn't sound like you're quite over your ED?
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    I am going to be tough on you but you say you had an eating disorder! Sorry but you still have an eating disorder. You are self-destructive and starving yourself! You seriously need to seek professional help to increase your calories. I am speaking from experience and depending on where you are emotionally and mentally you will either accept me as a friend or cry about the b*^&h who wrote horrible things. Years ago now I was totally and completely convinced that I physically could not eat more than 400 calories and it took a lot of hard work to get healthy. I am more than happy to support you but only if you can accept and admit that you have anorexia!
  • lekelly1
    Is the way I eat abnormal?

    Yes. Well, not abnormal in the sense that "nobody does it", but abnormal for your body very likely.

    The thing is you're still only 18, so your body can take a lot of abuse (that is: eat little, eat a lot, poor sleep patterns, etc.) but this is only going to get worse as you grow older, so you will need to be more and more careful... You can probably get away with it for now though.

    Also, I know that on 500 cals a day, I would personally lack energy (for just normal activities), so I can't even imagine running/weight training on top.
    But ever since I was 12 I just haven't been able to eat very much- not due to self esteem, but I just physically can't.
    Once you start building more muscles (i.e. practice a physical activity), your body will request more fuel... It's probably on a stasis at the moment.

    Thank you for your informative answer. I don't struggle very much with energy very often- about an hour before I go to the gym, if I'm feeling tired I have some granola and yoghurt and it gives me a boost.
    Before this year, I did not exercise very often so maybe it'll take a while to have more of an appetite. When I do, I certainly won't push it away!
  • lekelly1
    I think 500 calories a day is very low food intake. And now, when you need to loss weight...
    This may be because your body is still hungry and once it reaches some food, then it makes the fat deposits and it is preparing for a further period of starvation.
    Exercise every day is also not the best because your body needs to rest well, better is to exercise 3-4 times a week and other days to go for a walk.
    Advice from Dexy is good. Focus on pasta and nuts, mainly walnuts.

    During my life, I also had a problem with food intake. There were times when I ate very little. Not due to diet, but because of stress. I lost a lot and then when the period of stress was gone, I gained a lot. Now, I eat around 1200 and it is great, it's controlled, and MFP is 'screaming' when I ate during the day too little .

    I wish you luck, weight loss in combination with the physical problem of food intake is a very difficult way :(

    I never go a day without food and try to spread my food throughout the day.
    Many thanks to you and to Dexy's answer for the food suggestions- I'm actually having pasta tonight! Yum. Not keen on walnuts but might give them another try... I eat lots of pumpkin seeds...

    Thanks very much for your answer, it's very difficult but I think I'm just going to try and eat healthy food but in larger quantities!
  • lekelly1
    Chronic undereating can cause a host of serious problems - amenorrhoea, hair loss, infertility and osteoporosis to name a few. Although you may feel you're eating healthily, your body is surely lacking adequate amounts of key nutrients. I also worry that you think you need to exercise more just to eat over 1000 calories. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it doesn't sound like you're quite over your ED?

    I meant that I'd need to exercise more to even feel hungry enough for that much more food, not that I'd feel compelled to exercise more to deserve it. I must have not been clear in my wording.

    Thank you
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    OK Laura! I guess you didn't like what I said earlier because you have not responded! Everything I said was wrapped in love and kindness! The invitation still stands because I know what it is like! I will still leave it up to you. Don't be upset negatively about what I said earlier. I still mean every word. Whatever your decision is I am sending you a huge hug and love! Take care!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    A few years ago I had a minor ED, but not too serious...

    I'm sorry to burst your bubble but you seem to have a full-blown ED. They say the first step is realising you have a problem. Hope you can work on getting better!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    A few years ago I had a minor ED, but not too serious...

    I'm sorry to burst your bubble but you seem to have a full-blown ED. They say the first step is realising you have a problem. Hope you can work on getting better!


    i was the same way in college, and believe me, it does damage to your body. i ate the same amount of calories as you, and i "thought" i was being healthy because i was eating all fruits and veggies and yogurt, etc, but you can't be "healthy" while only eating 500ish calories. even if you sit in bed doing NOTHING all day, you're body burns at least 1500 calories a day, and that's if you're really skinny and really short, so having a 1000+ calorie deficit a day CAN'T be healthy! the reason why you think you physically can't eat more is because you've gotten your body used to eating that way. call it whatever you want, starvation mode, shrinking your stomach, whatever, either way, it's not healthy. you need to get your body healthy again. like what some people have said, eat calorie dense foods if you cant stomach eating regular meals. grab a hand full of nuts as a snack, even if you're not hungry, a few almonds aren't going to make you feel full. add an avocado to your salad, or some olives or beans. even adding a spoon of olive oil when cooking can help you add some easy calories. when i'm really under calories i have a spoon full of peanut butter, there's 200 calories right there!

    i know you say you've always been that way, but just because you've done something since you were little, doesn't mean it's ok...it's just what you're used to. if you can't physically eat at least 1200 calories a day, then there might be something else wrong...talk to a doctor, or someone who can help.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Please talk with your doctor about your eating habits. It will hurt you in the long run.

    My 20# Pekingese in my avatar requires more than 500 calories a day.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I really think that you should talk to your doctor about a nutritionist and a meal plan. You are eating way too few calories to have a healthy and balanced diets. My dinner was over 400 calories today, and that was just 3 oz of pork roast, a sweet potato and broccoli. I can't imagine living all day off of that. You can do serious damage to your body eating so little, even if you feel ok now. Lack of potassium can cause muscle cramps and heart palpitations. You can start leaching calcium from your bones so that your nerves can function. You may not notice that until you break a hip at 35. You will not be able to jump right to an average 1500-2000 calorie diet right away. You need a plan to gradually get back to a healthy diet. Remember, your goal isn't just weight loss, it is a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Not to mention you will never lose weight if your body thinks it is starving. It is going to hold on to all the fat stores it can just to survive. You can't do this on your own, you need someone who is trained in nutrition.

    This is coming from someone who suffered from disordered eating from the high school until the last year of university. Even now, 10 years later, I don't consider myself "cured" or "recovered", I just have learned to change my way of thinking. I have slipped back into unhealthy habits on occasion, but now I can recognize and change them. In my case, I feel that my ED is like alcoholism. Alcoholics are never "cured", they can only learn how to deal with their disease and avoid the things that trigger it.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If you eat a very small amount for a long time, then you can get used to that and you won't feel very hungry even though you really need more food. Do you think that could be why you eat so little?

    Can I ask how tall you are? You say you are at 130 pounds, and your ticker says you want to lose 30 more pounds. Weighing 100 pounds is probably reasonable if you're 5 feet tall, but if you're taller then it could be way too low. If your photos are recent, you don't look like you can afford to lose 30 pounds.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If your photos are recent, you don't look like you can afford to lose 30 pounds.

    Absolutely! Plus, your photos look like I sooooo wished I looked at 18! So pretty. :smile:

    Instead, I was bony, angular, weak and frail. :frown:
  • lekelly1
    OK Laura! I guess you didn't like what I said earlier because you have not responded! Everything I said was wrapped in love and kindness! The invitation still stands because I know what it is like! I will still leave it up to you. Don't be upset negatively about what I said earlier. I still mean every word. Whatever your decision is I am sending you a huge hug and love! Take care!

    Sorry honey, I only replied to a few yesterday because I was short of time!
    Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate it, I just don't think I'm in the frame of mind of an anorexic... I may be wrong, I guess I just look at the really badly anorexic girls (and boys) and their attitudes and just think that's not me. I would love your support, I'd just rather find a way of eating more calories without feeling bloated or having to eat really starchy foods. To me feeling bloated is the worst thing if I have a big meal, I just really hate the uncomfortable feeling it doesn't seem natural to me.
  • lekelly1
    A few years ago I had a minor ED, but not too serious...

    I'm sorry to burst your bubble but you seem to have a full-blown ED. They say the first step is realising you have a problem. Hope you can work on getting better!


    i was the same way in college, and believe me, it does damage to your body. i ate the same amount of calories as you, and i "thought" i was being healthy because i was eating all fruits and veggies and yogurt, etc, but you can't be "healthy" while only eating 500ish calories. even if you sit in bed doing NOTHING all day, you're body burns at least 1500 calories a day, and that's if you're really skinny and really short, so having a 1000+ calorie deficit a day CAN'T be healthy! the reason why you think you physically can't eat more is because you've gotten your body used to eating that way. call it whatever you want, starvation mode, shrinking your stomach, whatever, either way, it's not healthy. you need to get your body healthy again. like what some people have said, eat calorie dense foods if you cant stomach eating regular meals. grab a hand full of nuts as a snack, even if you're not hungry, a few almonds aren't going to make you feel full. add an avocado to your salad, or some olives or beans. even adding a spoon of olive oil when cooking can help you add some easy calories. when i'm really under calories i have a spoon full of peanut butter, there's 200 calories right there!

    i know you say you've always been that way, but just because you've done something since you were little, doesn't mean it's ok...it's just what you're used to. if you can't physically eat at least 1200 calories a day, then there might be something else wrong...talk to a doctor, or someone who can help.

    Thank you both for taking the time to write this.
    craft338, thank you for the suggestions. I don't think the answer is me making my portions bigger immediately because that just makes me bloated and awful! I absolutely love avocado and olives, though, so I will add them to my meals as much as I can :)
  • lekelly1
    Please talk with your doctor about your eating habits. It will hurt you in the long run.

    My 20# Pekingese in my avatar requires more than 500 calories a day.

    Thing is, I know my doctor won't appreciate that I'm trying to lose weight. That's the main problem really... If I was trying to put weight on, I'd feel that more people would understand, professionals included :\ It's difficult.
    Haha, the second bit made me laugh. x
  • lekelly1
    If your photos are recent, you don't look like you can afford to lose 30 pounds.

    Absolutely! Plus, your photos look like I sooooo wished I looked at 18! So pretty. :smile:

    Instead, I was bony, angular, weak and frail. :frown:

    Aw, thank you both. I don't think I actually put in to my goals that my goal was to lose 30 lbs though :| I think it must've predicted that from what I logged in.
    I don't think I am pretty at all! Forever hiding behind black and white, haha.

    Also, I'm 5 ft 3. A short'un.
  • lekelly1
    I really think that you should talk to your doctor about a nutritionist and a meal plan. You are eating way too few calories to have a healthy and balanced diets. My dinner was over 400 calories today, and that was just 3 oz of pork roast, a sweet potato and broccoli. I can't imagine living all day off of that. You can do serious damage to your body eating so little, even if you feel ok now. Lack of potassium can cause muscle cramps and heart palpitations. You can start leaching calcium from your bones so that your nerves can function. You may not notice that until you break a hip at 35. You will not be able to jump right to an average 1500-2000 calorie diet right away. You need a plan to gradually get back to a healthy diet. Remember, your goal isn't just weight loss, it is a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Not to mention you will never lose weight if your body thinks it is starving. It is going to hold on to all the fat stores it can just to survive. You can't do this on your own, you need someone who is trained in nutrition.

    This is coming from someone who suffered from disordered eating from the high school until the last year of university. Even now, 10 years later, I don't consider myself "cured" or "recovered", I just have learned to change my way of thinking. I have slipped back into unhealthy habits on occasion, but now I can recognize and change them. In my case, I feel that my ED is like alcoholism. Alcoholics are never "cured", they can only learn how to deal with their disease and avoid the things that trigger it.

    I really do try to get calcium, potassium's a problem though. I eat bananas but I need to look up what other foods are potassium-rich.
    Thank you for the advice x