NanaAtaa Member


  • To get your best answer to that question - it's best to check with your OB/GYN doctor or nurse practitioner. PMS and menstrual cycles are all tied to fluctuating hormone levels - like estrogen and progesterone. The pre-menstrual time is usually a time when our metabolism actually increases a bit, so our brain signals to…
  • I don't like to categorize foods as "good" or "bad". I believe in balance, variety, moderation, portion size. I do consider overly processed foods of any sort to be "not-so-good", especially for daily consumption. Eggs: Eggs have been kind of stereotyped as a high cholesterol food, but in the food and nutrition world, it…
  • Ultimately, it is your caloric expenditure that will determine your rate of weight loss and the quantity of weight loss. Since fat is the most calorically dense nutrient (9 calories/gram) and can affect many things besides weight gain (like cholesterol and triglyceride levels), you do need to pay attention to your daily…
  • Wonderful. Absolutely Wonderful! Congratulations, and I hope to follow in your shrinking footsteps...
  • I'm a dietitian who is also trying to lose some weight, and I'll be the first to tell you - DIETS (in the old-fashioned sense of the word) DON'T WORK. Eating good wholesome, well-balanced foods in smaller portions, getting enough water, getting enough rest, and being as physically active as possible every single day -…
  • In terms of weight loss, you probably need to focus on net calories and stick to the net carb amount that has been calculated for you by MFP. If you have cardiac issues, or abnormal lipid values (cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL) then you would definitely want to focus on total grams of fat, especially saturated fat, -…
  • Hello! Have you re-calibrated your net calorie goals based on your recent wt loss? In order to move past your current plateau, you will need to burn or consume less than what you need to maintain your weight. The database does a pretty good job of re-calculating your calorie needs for wt loss according to your new wt loss…