

  • Dr. Al Sears explains why this happens and is one of the reasons he developed PACE interval training. The heart and lungs want to be efficient and can decrease in capacity for long distance runners. Dr. Sears developed his training program for heart and lung patients in order to increase heart and lung capacity.. My…
  • How often are you measuring? It should be no more than once a month. Measurements can be tricky. You could be measuring in a slightly different place, holding the tape a little looser or tighter, etc. Give yourself at least a month before taking your next measurements because it sounds like you're doing everything right.…
  • Belly fat can also be water weight. I agree with the other poster that a low carb diet would probably help you in this area. Lots of green veggies and protein and stay away from the breads, sugars and simple carbs. The 2 week restrictive diet of the south beach diet is to wean your body off all the processed foods and get…
  • I thought it would be fun to get some friends together who are just getting started. I have over 100 lbs. to lose and know that support is key because I've done it once before. This time I'm concentrating on the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that change why I eat, but obviously, there has to be a physical…
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