

  • When my clients tell me there going to cheat I make sure that they increase there water intake and not skip any meals. My program is a huge believer in eating 6 times a day since it controls blood sugar, hunger, and trains people to eat smaller portions. If you skip a meal you can start the blood sugar roller coaster ride…
  • Simplest way to make water taste better is to refrigerate your tap water over night. Nothing detoxes your body as gently as water and it is freaking frighting how much crap is in your colon. Another way to make water last better is to give up artificial sweeteners and instead get used to how food and drinks should taste in…
    in Water! Comment by SirEager August 2012
  • Drinking lots of water ... before and after helps. Water helps clean your system and prevents the damaging food to stay in your system too long.