


  • Well you will develop a taste for tasteless water and no will never stop peeping every 20 mins!!
  • I started drinking lots of water several years ago when I was introduced to it through bowflex nutrition. Drinking water does a couple of things.
    1) it assists in regulating body temperature, which here in columbia is absolutely advantageous
    2) it keeps the stomach from the hunger pangs that is associated with portion counting.
    3) if you drink it cold, the body must heat what we ingest to properly digest it which creates internal friction and subsequently burns calories.
    4) it flushes the body of all the things we dont need, and is an intricate part to beginning a body detox.

    I drink approximately 1-2 gallons of water per day, and at that rate starting out I was going to the rest room much more often. I still go the rest room often but it is just part of a healthy lifestyle. The good news is I dont have to go as often as I did starting out. but it seems that it took many months to lessen the trips.

    It also takes many months to get past the dread of having to drink "another glass of water". But now it is all I drink, except my morning coffee...gotta have it. But nothing else satisfies my thirst or even tastes as good.

    Hang in there... water is absolutely necessary to healthy living
  • I thought I didn't like drinking water, but now it became my normal routine. I fill up my big 1.5l bottle of water and drink 2 of those throughout the day. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty because it's so easy and comforting! :D
  • shuga_shay
    shuga_shay Posts: 29 Member
    Also, drinking tea, juice, eating fruits and veggies all count as well, towards your water intake, not as much but they do nonetheless. Water is good for you but if you are going to the bathroom every hour or more, you're over doing it. Eight glasses may not apply to everybody, just like every diet doesn't. You can actually cause more harm than good diluting your body's electrolytes and damaging your internal organs. Drink smaller amounts and spread it out throughout the day. I drink one before and one after my meal about 4 to 8 oz.; occasionally even when I have intense cravings for things I know I don's want like cookies or candy. There is more detail in the June issue of Shape magazine but I forgot the name of the article, hope this helps!
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!
    I knew the pee colour thing, I have been marvelling at my pee this week colour wise lol, sorry i know its gross but it is true, i really have lol!!!
    I am drinking 8 half pint glasses of water a day, I don't think i could do more than that.
    I'm so pleased its not just me that pondered these things and hopefully it won't be too long before I enjoy the stuff.
    We are lucky that we have water coolers at work so im trying to do one glass an hour when I am at work.
    I have tried to up my water before and it never lasted more than a day so 5 days in i am determined to make this part of my daily routine!
  • wrensong27
    wrensong27 Posts: 33 Member
    Wat worked for me when I first started drinking a lot of water was to make sure it was really cold. For some reason really cold water tastes better to me (silly I know but it works)

    Keep drinking water, it is really good for you and in time you will like it.
  • I started drinking lots of water several years ago when I was introduced to it through bowflex nutrition. Drinking water does a couple of things.
    1) it assists in regulating body temperature, which here in columbia is absolutely advantageous
    2) it keeps the stomach from the hunger pangs that is associated with portion counting.
    3) if you drink it cold, the body must heat what we ingest to properly digest it which creates internal friction and subsequently burns calories.
    4) it flushes the body of all the things we dont need, and is an intricate part to beginning a body detox.

    Simplest way to make water taste better is to refrigerate your tap water over night. Nothing detoxes your body as gently as water and it is freaking frighting how much crap is in your colon.

    Another way to make water last better is to give up artificial sweeteners and instead get used to how food and drinks should taste in there natural state. This helps your body to calibrate your insulin levels with your taste buds and in the long run increase your weight loss.