Pugluvr1 Member


  • I agree with what everyone else is telling you. I don't think what you ate that first week and the exercise you were doing is a wise lifestyle choice. You need to balance everything out better. Think about what you can continue easily and then eat a little less and move a little more.
  • I agree with the person who mentioned getting your thyroid checked. Please don't get discouraged. Even if you aren't losing weight the most important thing is to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • I didn't know you could freeze kombucha. Where do you get it?
  • Thanks, I really like that. My mantra used to be "nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
  • I'm not so much a bored eater but have to be doing something in addition to being on my laptop when I'm watching TV. I can ruin a perfectly good day in no time at all just because I'm not able to focus on any one thing. It's weird and I think I will try the water and sticky notes. My weakness is peanuts in the shell. The…
  • I'll bet if you ask someone who only sees you on occasion they will notice a difference. The most important thing is that you are trying to be healthy, not how you look. I know it's hard to accept that but in the long run your health will serve you better than your appearance. Hang in there - if you persevere you should…
  • I've had this app on my phone for a few months now and haven't used it very seriously but think I will give it a try now. I've lost about 60 lbs in the past year and would like this trend to continue. The winter months of in-activity are very hard though and I find myself stress / comfort eating more than usual. I started…