kerry0521 Member


  • My problem is that I walk fast enough that FItbit considers it running. So my walking stride was about right, but the running stride, was, I guess, much longer. I don't really walk that fast but I guess at around 4 mph Fitbit thinks you are running. Then it would use the running stride to calculate my distance so it would…
  • I'm thinking about getting a new Road ID (mine is an ankle model) of the colorful wrist ones, so I can wear it all the time. I went out again today without it by mistake :(
    in Road ID Comment by kerry0521 March 2012
  • I have gone to bed hungry, and wish I would do it more often. If I've had enough to eat that day (I usually eat around 2000 cal a day) and I'm a little hungry at bed time, I just go to bed, wake up and eat breakfast the next day. I think that we so often fear hunger and feel like it must be dealt with right away. I think I…
  • Your max heart rate is YOUR max heart rate. It doesn't always go by the formulas. My husband also has a very low heart rate. Make sure you are adjusting your heart rate monitor to what your real max is, not the formula and then see what it calculates. If you HRM is set for a max that is way higher than your true max, the…
  • It took me years to get to a place where I am now surprised by how many calories I get to eat!
  • It's more expensive than a regular pedometer, but I have really been loving the fitbit ( I had been using MFP set to sedentary and then plugging in my main exercise...bicycling. However by using the Fitbit, I discovered I was way more active during the day than I realized. It also motivates me to move even…
  • Good for you! Keep on pedaling... Yes you will definitely get faster on the hills when you lose weight. (and practice on hills). I did for sure. I'm still somewhat of a slowpoke for rides around here...I started where you did and I'm up to about 16-17 avg comfortable without drafting now. I can push it faster, but not for…
  • Love...don't go out for walk or ride without it. I feel very nervous when I forget.
    in Road ID Comment by kerry0521 March 2012
  • What does MFP say when you plug the walk data into the Cardio Exercise area?
  • Excellent article. I am a big Marian Nestle fan...and I think her words make total sense. We know the chemicals and crap can not be possible GOOD for us. I feel comfortable about that and I don't need a study to tell me that eating whole foods made by a plant (not in a plant) is better for my diet and health.
  • If you enter the exercise in MFP, it will ask you for the time you exercised and how long. When it syncs with the FB site, the exercise info you input into MFP will over write that time period on the Fit Bit site (not sure if the steps associated remain on not...). But the exercise will NOT be double counted. I am new to…
  • are two sites I use frequently.
  • I think there is an element of fad and hype to the site...that said, I know people who have used it with success. The recipes my friends have shared with me are all solid, healthy clean foods that anyone would lose weight on if they ate that cleanly on a consistent basis. So the question is do you need to pay to find out…
  • People love to push their "pet" dietary topic. I firmly believe that what works for one person may not work for another...only you can judge how you feel with the way you are eating, and if all your indicators are good that is a good sign you are doing something right! As for dairy, there is a lot of research out there…
  • Heart Rate Monitors are great at what they do which is helping measure your heart rate for exercise. They are not at their best in counting calories, especially wearing them all day. That's more the area of other gadgets like BB, Fitbit, etc. HRMs overestimate calorie burn...I have most definitely found this to be true. I…
  • I do HIIT on my bike once a week. DIfferent is painful. I do it at a cycle place that we call the "pain cave". They switch up the length and the severity of the intensity but it is a great workout. One that is easy to do at home is just 1 minute "on", and 1 minute "off". Go until you die :). It has made a big…
  • Gilly- I sure HOPE it gets easier. LOL. Yes, I think it has somewhat already.... Easier but not easy (for me at least).
  • Have to share a small husband has been drinking less since I started not drinking during the week. He would usually have several beers in the evening. Last night he just had one. He snores and keeps me awake when he drinks several...and I think I sleep lighter if I've had wine so it wakes me up. He also ends…
  • Decide what is right for you and go with your gut instinct.... I think "streaks" can be their own kind of subtle unhealthy pressure. Going longer between treats is always a good idea, and if you think you can get right back on track with your goals then go for it. My GOAL is to drink infrequently in moderation, without…
  • The open bottle of wine is a killer. I was always one to "even out" the row of brownies, so finishing the open bottle is just part of that same disease. :) Good thinking on using the little ones for cooking. I'm going to STEAL that idea. Plus the wine in the little ones typically is not my fave so not as much temptation.
  • If your legs are sore that for sure means you are retaining water!
  • I had wine (planned) on Saturday night. I think about 3 glasses total, and I felt great on Sunday that I went back to NO wine. I thought about "extending" my weekend fun, but I didn't!
  • I'm 5' 7". When I lost most of my weight about 5 years ago, I set my goal at 150, because that was a weight I had been before and knew it was maintainable for me. When I got to 150, I increased my calories, but continued to make healthy choices. Over the next year I slowly dropped about 8 pounds down to 142. I settled in…
  • The most important skill we can learn is to listen to our body and eat good healthful food when hungry and not eat when we aren't. If you are forcing yourself to eat, something is wrong with that picture. You want to aim to eat until just satisfied and not over full. It can take awhile to even know what that feels like I…
  • What about pool running? You can wear a flotation vest and run in deep water where there is no impact. It is boring but it is a hard workout! I did it when I had a back injury, and I actually had a friend with a leg injury do his Boston Marathon training that way....
  • For me, it is processed carbs (esp. and including pasta of any kind). I don't eat low carb, but I try to eat low processed carbs. So I try to have only one "bread" thing a day, although that is not a steadfast rule. (Had two sandwich thins yesterday). I will retain water after a hard workout as well, but that's just water…
  • Awesome for you! Alcohol is really the worst of all's like a fat in it's calorie density (7 cal/gm to fat's 9 cal/gm) (vs. protein and carbs 4 cal/gm). But it reacts on me like a very processed carb, maybe because the fruit sugars have been converted to alcohol. So I get all the bloating like I do if I eat…
  • I have Kashi Go Lean about 1x a week...otherwise I stick to whole grain cereal vs. processed. But the crunch is nice sometimes. The fiber/protein makes it filling. Having some right now with Greek yogurt and berries and flax oil.
  • I have the 500 now for a year and a half and I love it! But my needs are not for mapping/directional during the ride. I don't strike out on my own a lot, and I usually follow a plan or a marked route. I did not want the big piece of hardware on my bike and I don't want to look at it all the time. I love that I get a map…
  • You all are so motivating! So nice to have friends in the same boat. We are all going to have a day we wish we didn't , sometime. At least I know I will. The key is to make those few and farther between. And to not put up with the "everyday sorta not feeling great" feeling that the 2-3 glasses a night brings on. I probably…