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  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Have realised that my main downfall is my love of cooking. Decided to cook some duck legs yesterday.....the best addition to make it a great meal?....a red wine reduction of course! Unfortunately the meal only required half a bottle of wine so what happened to the rest of it? I drank it. Once i'd started there really wasn't much stopping me and I ended up sharing another bottle with my boyfriend. Starting to think my 'only drink at the weekend' rule needs to be replaced with a 't-total' rule at least for a couple weeks and I'll see how I go from there.

    So......from today no more alcohol will pass my lips for two weeks. After that I'll decided if I want to return to the moderation approach as my weight loss is non-existent at the moment and I fear wine is the culprit.

    If I get tempted at any point I will post a message on here and all I ask is for someone to tell me off........in the nicest way possible of course!

    I've had this happen as well. I have a recipe planned for this week that requires white wine. When I was at the store, I bought little bottles of wine (single serving) so I won't have an open big bottle of wine left when I'm done cooking.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I had wine (planned) on Saturday night. I think about 3 glasses total, and I felt great on Sunday that I went back to NO wine. I thought about "extending" my weekend fun, but I didn't!

    Good for you!!!!
  • kerry0521
    kerry0521 Posts: 46 Member
    The open bottle of wine is a killer. I was always one to "even out" the row of brownies, so finishing the open bottle is just part of that same disease. :)

    Good thinking on using the little ones for cooking. I'm going to STEAL that idea. Plus the wine in the little ones typically is not my fave so not as much temptation.
  • kjh1204
    kjh1204 Posts: 24 Member
    thanks, using little bottles is a good idea
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    The open bottle of wine is a killer. I was always one to "even out" the row of brownies, so finishing the open bottle is just part of that same disease. :)

    Good thinking on using the little ones for cooking. I'm going to STEAL that idea. Plus the wine in the little ones typically is not my fave so not as much temptation.

    LOL, I know. It's not great wine. Gallo, I think. I'm definitely not tempted to drink it!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Really want a glass of wine tonight. This is my Third Monday and Monday night is bottle of red night.

    You're all doing fab!

    Here's to Day 16......

    I do need advice though....
    I'm going to a party on Thursday. I'm torn, do I drink or not? I'm thinking I deserve a drink because I have done so well.
    I'm thinking I shouldn't drink as it will break my streak.
    Then I'm thinking I'm thinking way to much and maybe that's the problem/ my problem! I shouldn't be thinking so much about this surely. I'm seeing some friends on Wednesday and Friday and my boyfriend and we ALWAYS share a bottle of wine.
    Shall I try and just drink lime and soda?
    Argh!!!! Help!
  • kjh1204
    kjh1204 Posts: 24 Member
    It's whether or not you think you're ready to start drinking just in moderation without slipping back into old ways. You've done really well so far so if you think you can enjoy a couple drinks Thursday and then start a new streak then great, you deserve it. However if you think a couple drinks will lead to drinking the next night and the next night........and you don't want to have re-start all your hard work then maybe just the lime and soda
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I do think I can start the streak again. I have been trying since October to go longer and longer without drinking! A week has been my best, and then this streak.

    I might give it a go and use this forum to get back on track. It's a lifestyle change I suppose and I need to learn moderation.

    Ah you guys are the best!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Good luck! Just think how great you'll feel when you manage to get back onto the streak! I know I'm not ready to do that yet, so I'm still on no drinks at all. The great thing is not missing the wine and having so much more energy to do things. Will be waiting to see how things go for you - I'm sure you can do it :)
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Good luck! Just think how great you'll feel when you manage to get back onto the streak! I know I'm not ready to do that yet, so I'm still on no drinks at all. The great thing is not missing the wine and having so much more energy to do things. Will be waiting to see how things go for you - I'm sure you can do it :)
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 56 Member
    I do think I can start the streak again. I have been trying since October to go longer and longer without drinking! A week has been my best, and then this streak.

    I might give it a go and use this forum to get back on track. It's a lifestyle change I suppose and I need to learn moderation.

    Ah you guys are the best!

    I speak for myself and have allowed myself to have a glass of wine, if its in my calorie allowance for the day and if I don't NEED it! I was doing a great amount of anesthetizing. If i'm able to enjoy a glass and stop because I want to and its a great accompaniment to a meal or a good glass with friends. In terms of weight loss you have to count the calories and at 100+ calories per it kinda takes the fun out of a bottle.
  • kerry0521
    kerry0521 Posts: 46 Member
    Decide what is right for you and go with your gut instinct.... I think "streaks" can be their own kind of subtle unhealthy pressure. Going longer between treats is always a good idea, and if you think you can get right back on track with your goals then go for it. My GOAL is to drink infrequently in moderation, without having to think about it all the time.. for now that means that I am planning for once a week so I don't feel deprived, but I hope for those periods between to be longer sometimes.

    I think only you will know how you will react afterward, And you may not know and need to find out. Either way, please let us know how it goes!!!!
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hi - I agree with what everyone has been saying: it is most important to go with your gut and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a glass or two. I agree with dunkrobertson - it's when I feel i NEED it that I think there is a problem (and I have definitely felt that!). Maybe just let yourself decide at the moment?
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ok everyone!!! I have had my weekend of disaster. I am ready to get back on track even this weekend NO wine or alcohol!!!

    I was stressed last weekend with my sons (20.17) and work! I know I can't use that as an excuse but hey $H1T happens!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    OMG!! The day has finally come!!
    I have been working earlies all day so I woke up naturally today on my day off at 8am.
    I have done my To Do list and have been sooooooo full of energy it's unbelievable!
    I have done 45 mins intensive zumba and day 1 of JM 30DS.
    I am now contemplating 22 mins on the elliptical in order to get a 1000 cal burn.

    I feel good, I look good and I am feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed.
    I was wondering if there was such a day as this and it's here, it's here!!!

    This is Day 17 of no alcohol and today I am FINALLY feeling the benefits and oh my god, join me won't you it's AWESOME!!!!

    Whoop Whoop!!!!
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Wow! Just reading your post makes me feel more awake. Will definitely join you in this! Working on Day 4 here and feeling pretty good. Sounds like the longer it goes the better though. Happy day to you!!
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Ok everyone!!! I have had my weekend of disaster. I am ready to get back on track even this weekend NO wine or alcohol!!!

    I was stressed last weekend with my sons (20.17) and work! I know I can't use that as an excuse but hey $H1T happens!

    Hey there -

    That it certainly does. Sorry to hear you are stressed and had a crappy weekend. Back on track tho is the main thing. You go, lady!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Just done a 1000 calorie burn.

    This non drinking malarky IS all it's cracked up to be!!!!

    C'mon guys, you can do it, you'll feel amazing I promise you!
  • kjh1204
    kjh1204 Posts: 24 Member
    On day 2 of no alcohol, only 15 more days and then I can have energy!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I reckon it will be less days I was just constantly pis*ed ha ha!! Took a while for it to come out of my bloodstream!!