abbybean11 Member


  • That is a crazy amount of calories to burn!!! I'd say if you are burning that much - you should definitely be eating more! Fruits and nuts tend to have lots of calories so that would be an easy way to make it up. If you have an intense work out in the evening and don't feel like eating, just have a little yogurt before…
  • If you lose really rapidly, there is a greater chance that you might have a harder time maintaining and then gain the weight back. I've lost 50 pounds slowly over the past two years and it has been great to ease into this new healthy lifestyle - rather than make dramatic changes that I can't maintain. I think if you want…
  • If you are trying to lose weight, only eat the calories back that you burned if you're hungry. Otherwise, you're fine not eating them (I lost 50 pounds on 1200 cals a day while working out).
  • I find Bob Harper's circuit training DVD's to be much less boring because he mixes up the moves all the time (and the music is MUCH easier to listen to than the cheesy stuff that Jillian plays on the 30ds)! I would recommend Bob's Total Body Transformation (they have a one hour or 30 minute option on the DVD, and it…
  • I always gain weight while doing the 30 day shred (or any type of circuit training), then when you get off it for a week the weight drops off. I am pretty sure that your body retains water as your muscles heal. Trust me, I've lost 50 pounds in the past year doing circuit training, running, and riding my bike (, you're…
  • 1. set out your workout clothes the day before so everything's ready to go. 2. drink a cup of coffee 3. don't let yourself think about it - just do it. (seriously, this sounds dumb, but sometimes it's the ONLY way i can get out the door. If i just turn some music on and think about something else while putting my workout…
  • Here's what happened in my personal weight loss experience over the past year (and I've really been paying attention to this because I wanted to know the answer to your question) When I don't have any carbs after lunch, I notice a big difference on the scale on subsequent days (this is assuming that I'm am eating a healthy…
  • Vegan! I LOVE the taste of meat and cheese, but morally I can't go back. I've found a bunch of other new foods and flavors that I love now!
  • my thighs have rubbed together when i walk my whole life - I HATE IT! i just lost 45 pounds and it still happens to me - just 5 pounds from my goal weight. i'm hoping SOME DAY, but you never know....
  • I know paleo says no beans or legumes - but I think that's because it can make you gassy and thus disrupt normal digestive functioning. To avoid that, buy dried beans and soak them for up to a day before cooking them. It helps get rid of all the bacteria that causes that gas so that they are much easier to digest. Google…
  • My best advice: just do it! lol No but seriously, there are a lot of great resources out there. Try googling Alexandra Jamieson - her blog and her Vegan for Dummies books are GREAT and full of helpful information! If you're a total omnivore, I would say start by cutting out meat and keep the dairy and eggs for a little…
  • that would be AWESOME! ilke a smurf!
  • That's kinda rude. I think she's right - MFP should be a place for supporting one another and being uplifting, not for tearing other people down.
  • It sounds like, since the gym was empty, it was wasn't so much "stealing" as it was "finders keepers." Did you ask the person who was working at the front desk if they'd found it? A solution to your anger: anger management classes?
  • Ok first of all you're GORGEOUS and I LOVE your hair!!! secondly, AMAZING work!!! So inspiring!!!
  • you should take it as a compliment!!! no one ever says that to me and i wish they did! i'd love it if people thought i were skinny! don't let it discourage you AT ALL - people are just trying to make you feel good about who you are because they equate trying to lose weight with being unhappy with yourself (which is true…
  • ps: dancers are AMAZINGLY strong!!!! i'm not a dancer but i can tell they totally kick *kitten*!
  • Oh i also became a vegan in May but I doubt that had anything to do with it, but you never know!
  • i can't speak to the sea salt thing, but i used to have cellulite really bad, and now i have NONE!!! i did Bob Harper's workouts every single day for the entire month of May - in the beginning of the month I had cellulite, and at the end it was gone! So maybe just try doing a bunch of circuit training to tone up???? worked…
  • Here's what I did to break my plateau. I hope it works for you: You could try seriously increasing your fruit and veggie intake, replacing all processed foods with plant-based foods. Shoot for one pound a day of raw veggies and one pound of cooked veggies, and three servings of fresh fruit. Eat beans and nuts for protein.…
  • omg - hotty with a body!
  • oh and as far as the protein goes, don't worry at all about going over. i've read about protein a lot and many sources say that you should be eating about half of your body weight in grams (which is much lower than what MFP says, for me anyway). particularly if you're doing strength training, lots of protein is fine. I…
  • People on this site are really divided about eating back your exercise calories. What it comes down to is that you have to find what works for you and your body. Here's what works for me: I've lost 43 pounds in the past several months by NOT eating back my calories, and I'm lookin and feelin pretty good. I eat anywhere…
  • I'm basically a Bob junkie, but when I got the book I didn't realize that he's no longer a vegan, so a lot of the recipes in the book include meat (I'm a vegan so obviously I was disappointed). Here are all the rules (I'm really boiling them down, so if you're curious about any of these I would recommend buying the book,…
  • Sherlock, TED Talks (especially "Eat This"), Forks Over Knives, The Office, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation, Friday Night Lights, Glee, Breaking Bad, Heroes, Being Elmo, Man vs. Wild, Wings, Brian Regan, Billy Elliot, The Secret of Kells
  • you might just have to go cold turkey until you stop craving it. that's what i had to do with sugar in my coffee in the morning. it was really hard giving it up at first, but now i'm totally fine with black coffee.
  • it has definitely helped me! it doesn't mean i never get depressed, but many people have told me that they've noticed i'm much happier (and it's true!!!!! i love being smaller and working towards goals that i am actually achieving!)