

  • I would also like to join! I have a wedding coming up and I'd really like to be in shape for it. Starting weight: 165 lbs 12 Week Goal Weight: 145 lbs Physical goal: Be able to run 2 miles without walking. Nutritional Goal: Go out to eat only once every 2 weeks.
  • Yesterday I ran a mile in about 10:16, and I've never been able to do that since high school! I also ran for 10 minutes straight, which is a huge accmplishment for me. I've always had a really rough time with cardio, but I'm getting better, which is really cool! It's nice to see some measureable progress after just a…
  • This actually happens. Cooked spinach contains more iron than uncooked spinach because the heat causes the composition to change, and molecules to rearrange. Chia seeds are much more nutritional if combined with a liquid or gelatenous substance that allows them to release their own "jelly". You can get the most out of your…
  • I always get almond milk, broccoli, carrots, and bananas because those are my favorites. But other than that I kind of just grab whatever I'm feeling like that week. Lately I've been on a rice cake kick...the caramel ones are sweet enough to kick my cravings for bakery goods. I also pick up chicken, pork, and beef every…
  • I find "non-clean" eaters to act superior a lot of the time compared to clean. I see a lot of clean eaters trying to get other to hop on board because, yeah, less chimicals and fats and sugars is obviously going to be better for you in the long run. But I see a hell of a lot more people who feel personally attacked by the…
  • Well be prepared for people to ride your butt about not eating meat. They'll tell you you "need" meat for protein and iron, and this is definitely not the case. It's not even "harder" to get the proper nutrients on a vegan diet. You kind of just have to eat a little of everything, and be knowledeable about what veg and…
  • I'd stick to the 1200 a day diet. Keep in mind though that MFP is usually putting you at about a 600 cal defeceit, so you can eat a little more and you'll just lose a little less. But everyone's metabolism is different. As soon as I start exercising and eating 1,200 cal a day, I start dropping weight pretty quickly. You…
  • Haha, watched a couple episodes of season five and the host is super into how fat America is. It's crazy to learn about some people's living conditions when they've gotten too large to be able to properly take care of themselves.
  • Oh my god, thank you! I love this show but I have a hard time finding it.
  • I did this very thing recently! i think it's a great idea as long as it's realistic. I say that mostly because I was like "I should buy a size 3 and when I can fit into that, I'll be happy!" and then I looked down at my hips, realized they were never, ever going to be size 3 again, and opted for a size 5. ;)
  • I don't really think people on these forums are mean at all, especially compared to most other internet forums. I've been lurking for a while and I mostly see nothing but support, especially in the Success Stories section. If you can't handle the occasional meanie, it's best to stay off of online communities altogether.…
  • Idk, there are some days when I fill up on "light" stuff, or fruit, and fall short of 1,200 by like...100 calories or so. It happens. I would hope that nobody would look down on me for that? I go over on most days, anyway.
  • Oh gosh, I have to make this!
  • It's not bad at all! I'd suggest eating a lot of vegetables and fruit over the day, and a couple hours before the tasting/party you should have some carbs and protein. Then drink up whatever you have left! Just don't let it become a habit, haha. ;)
  • The people on the MFP forums aren't "being jerks", OP. They're actually telling you in a pretty polite way that you're being really self-righteous and ridiculous. There's no reason for you to be so sensitive to the tiny bit of smoke coming in through your windows from the porch below you. If you really ARE that sensitive,…
  • My name is Jessica and I'm addicted to eating anything salty. starchy, or savory in large quantities. Mashed potatoes </3
  • I'm generally most active at night, and I used to stay up until 4am and would snack right up until bed time. The last couple days I've been not eating a few hours before I go to bed, and it's helped a little bit with digestion and my sleep. But if you're not having any problems, like everyone else has said, then don't…
  • I'm the same way with the gym. I get bored easily and if my headphones die...screw it, I'm out of there. I don't handle heat well, though, so I can't work out outside this time of year. Best advice is to just do it. You probably don't enjoy doing the dishes either, but it's necessary to accomplish what you want: a clean…
  • I'm 5'6" and 150 lbs. My goal weight is 115. 1200 calorie diet. Add me if you'd like!
  • I think "cheating" is actually really healthy. If I get a little treat now and then (like last night I had half a piece of carrot cake), then it keeps me from going on a binge. And binges are basically my number one problem, and why I got so unhealthy in the first place.
  • Mashed potatoes and hawaiian rolls. Like...made into little mashed potato sandwiches. /shame
  • My partner has a sweet tooth from hell and is always bringing home cakes and cookies and candy for us to share. Not to mention he likes to go out to eat, so we're always in restaurants where the healthy options are usually slim and bland to boot. I don't think he does it intentionally, and he's always willing to pick me up…
  • I'm 5'6" and currently 150lbs. My goal weight is between 120-125. But I'd be happy at 130, since that's when I felt my personal best.
  • Yeah, my boyfriend's parents invite us over to eat or out to eat like twice a week, and get kind of weird when I don't eat much, or choose to opt out of one of the things (like mashed potatoes). When I explain that I'm on a diet they sort of look at me funny. It sucks. Thanks everyone for the ideas. I've been having a lot…