

  • Wow, I'm surprised by the reactions! I really like Slimfast- but only the powder mix, not the canned type. It's a great breakfast (lots of protein, and portable), and I think the "rich chocolate royale" has a good chocolate flavor. My husband is super-picky and he likes it, too. I also like to blend in a banana, or…
    in SlimFast?? Comment by gia80 October 2009
  • A girl can dream, huh? :ohwell:
  • For the last month and a half or so, I've worked out an average of 6 days/wk, mixed cardio and yoga and walking. I ate around 1400-1700 cals a day and ate exercise calories most of the time. I lost 7 lbs from 180 to 173 and then sat at that weight for a week. And then I got frustrated, and for the past 3-4 days I kinda…
  • I agree- I was just thinking, "that profile picture is not very helpful!":grumble:
  • My favorite breakfast is a slim fast shake! Not the can, the powder mixed with skim milk. It has tons of protein, it's chocolate, and very quick so I can get out the door. We have a Magic Bullet shake mixer and have used that baby for almost every morning for a year. Throw some milk, powder, an ice cube, and you're all…
  • The thing about basic poses (I assume you mean like downward dog, warrior poses, etc.) is that the longer you practice yoga the more you see that you can deepen these and make them more difficult. I loooove yoga and it does tone your body and, at least for me, I really notice it in my arms. My advice is that if you think a…
    in Yoga Comment by gia80 February 2009
  • One thing that has helped me a lot is to eat a smaller breakfast. If I can keep it to about 200 calories (a slim fast shake, a banana & peanut butter, or toast, etc.) then I find that I almost always have calories left over at the end of the day! Allow yourself another 150 cal or 200 cal snack around 10:30 (string cheese &…