kanew89 Member


  • I'm just wrapping up the entire Si6 program (last day of week 6) and in the past week I've seen dramatic weight loss but it is due to a specific diet regimen I began 6 days ago, Cybergenics QuickTrim. Not sure if any of you have tried it or heard about it, but I've done the diet several times over the past 15 years. It's a…
    in Slim in 6 Comment by kanew89 June 2009
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    in Slim in 6 Comment by kanew89 June 2009
  • Oh and if you cant find someone to borrow the video from, check out Amazon.com. There are tons of used videos at very reasonable prices!
  • Yeah, Slim in 6 is low impact...not a lot of jumping around at all. In fact the most impact is the "half Jacks" and in the Burn It Up video and there are only like 4 sets total (non consecutive). BUT if you have bad knees this is definitely not a good program for you at this time. I've heard people say Debbie S. can really…
  • You go! That's great. I'm 1/2 way through the 5th week and have lost about 7 lbs. I am planning to do the Express on my final week (have to start in a few days! yikes) I hope to see the same 4+ lbs loss too! Then I'll definitely call the program a success. I'm hoping for a 15 lb loss at the end of the 6 weeks. I bought the…
  • Slim in 6 is a workout regimen. There are infomercials on all the time and you can check it out on Beachbody.com The loss counter, you got me...I cant figure it out either. It says to copy and paste the thread but it didnt work for me.
    in Slim in 6 Comment by kanew89 June 2009
  • Well I guess I'm on the same path....to loose 10 lbs by end of the 6 weeks. I'm 1/2 way through the 5th week and am planning to do the Express. My biggest problem is not actually eating clean, but eating frequent small meals is challenging for me. Those that have done the ChaleanExtreme....what were your results. Did you…
    in Slim in 6 Comment by kanew89 June 2009
  • Bunny, do you recall how much weight you did loose within the first 6 weeks? And once you finished the initial program did you just continue with Burn It Up? Or did you move to the "Keep It Up" Week 7 and Beyond? I just ordered one off Amazon.com. I'll let ya know how it is once I get it. I'm trying to get 15-20 lbs off by…
    in Slim in 6 Comment by kanew89 June 2009
  • McLachfan, are you on the last week of the Slim in 6 exercise plan? Just curious. I am on my 4th week (Phase 3/Burn It Up) and my weight loss has not been what I had hoped. So I was considering doing the 6 day Express either next week or the last week of the program. It sounds like it would be motivational to continue the…
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    in Slim in 6 Comment by kanew89 June 2009
  • Hi All! I just started my 4th week on Si6 (3rd Phase, Burn It Up) and am finding that it's still challenging for me. Since I dont have a heart rate monitor, I use the "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort" calorie count for the Burn It Up. If I think I put forth my best effort, I leave it at approx. 500 calorie…
    in Slim in 6 Comment by kanew89 June 2009
  • I think your goal is achievable but it is going to be tough. They say healthy weight loss is 2 lbs per week. You ask about what type of exercise you can do that wont leave loose skin and unfortunately, there is no exercise that will tighten your skin as your body shrinks. Your skin's elasticity depends on your genes. It…
    in What's up? Comment by kanew89 May 2009