Slim in 6



  • kanew89
    kanew89 Posts: 13 Member
    Well I guess I'm on the same loose 10 lbs by end of the 6 weeks. I'm 1/2 way through the 5th week and am planning to do the Express. My biggest problem is not actually eating clean, but eating frequent small meals is challenging for me. Those that have done the ChaleanExtreme....what were your results. Did you like it?

    How's your progress now since you're on your 5th week? Good for you for eating clean. I managed to learn how to eat clean and I notice a difference with how I taste food now. I finished CE and lost 6 lbs and 6 inches mostly in the mid section. I know I could've done better bec. I just winged it with my food that time. Now while soing SI6, I am really tracking my food intake and trying to eat clean 90% of the time. This is my 1st week into BIU and 3 more to go...



    I'm just wrapping up the entire Si6 program (last day of week 6) and in the past week I've seen dramatic weight loss but it is due to a specific diet regimen I began 6 days ago, Cybergenics QuickTrim. Not sure if any of you have tried it or heard about it, but I've done the diet several times over the past 15 years. It's a super tough program to follow (eating 5Xs/day, working out 2Xs/day, very limited food choices and 1-1/2+ gallons of H2O/day). I have lost 6 lbs in 6 total weight loss for the Slim in 6 program is approx. 12 lbs.

    I am going to continue with the "Keep It Up" video for at least the next couple weeks (and complete the Cybergencics QuickTrim, which is a 14 day Rapid Weight Loss program). I hope to maintain the pound per day weight loss! I'm going on vaca July 15 so I want dramatic results in a short time frame!