

  • Thanks for all the great suggestions guys!!
  • I started this on Monday and am doing it every other day, so I guess I am on day 3. So far so good. Already lost another pound! :smile:
  • Haven't heard back from the others starting this. If you have started let me know so I can keep track of who is doing this with me.
  • Just finished Day 1. I am thinking about just doing this every other day to give myself a day for my muscles to heal between workouts. The other days I will either do treadmill, walking, etc. and take one day off a week if I feel like I need it or just don't have time to exercise. You all don't have to do it this way, but…
  • Starting 6 Week 6 Pack today!! Good luck to everyone doing this with me!!! :wink:
  • Oh! Dill, any italian seasoning like basil, oregano., thyme, a little lemon juice, light salt if you like, and you can even sprinkle some panko bread crumbs and bake them. Delish!!! I love salmon!
  • Thanks everyone for all the wonderful advice! I completely forgot about Quinoa!!!
  • I just want to strengthen my core. I know I won't see a six pack in six weeks. I am eating healthy alongside the exercise, but I know it will take a while before my abdominal fat goes away from having babies.
  • Here is a tutorial on how to post pictures to the message board: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/104076-posting-pictures-on-the-boards-tutorial
  • I think I will be starting on Jan. 2nd as well. New Years Day may be to hectic at my house with guests over this weekend. Didn't think about that.
  • Okay for those of you wanting to begin Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack. I am starting on New Years Day. Will this work for everyone? I am planning on doing it about 5 x's a week. I am so glad there are lots of people wanting to do this with me!!Also, please feel free to post before and after pics here if you would like. I…
  • I calculated mine and it is 2367. If I eat 20% below this it is almost 1900 calories. I can't lose weight eating that much. I eat anywhere between 1200-1500 a day and I am full.
  • I resized my photos in photobucket. I am not sure why they are still so large. Oh well.
  • Before Pics:
  • If I have some belly fat, will it help with that? I am eager to lose it. I have had two babies and really want my flat abs back. I am convinced that I already have a 6 pack under my fat though from doing pilates years ago! lol
  • Awesome! It is so much better to have support of at least one or two people that are doing these with you. I already did the 30 day shred and lost 10 lbs and 3 inches off my waist. 30 Day Shred is awesome. I am really looking forward to 6 week 6 pack!!
  • Thanks!! I am really looking forward to starting it after New Years. I have only a few days left of level 3 of the 30 day shred and I am finally done!
  • I lost 9 lbs and about 2 1/2 inches from my waist. Unfortunately, this Christmas weekend I gained a few back and my stomach is not as flat as it was. I think it's all those preservatives and sodium though that I am not use to eating. So far 30DS is working really well for me. I only have about 5 days left till I am finally…
  • I am doing 30DS alongside you all as well. I have 2 days left of Level 2 because I missed a few days due to Finals week at school. So far I have lost 8lbs, but none in the last week. But I am loosing about an inch off my waist a week, so that is 3 total in the last 3 weeks since I started. Also, I am burning over 400…
  • I am going to go with what the personal trainer says. My husband says that when the military measured him, it was right at the belly button. :)
  • Should I breath slower or faster? Jillian Michaels is always saying to breath in a way I find to be too fast for me. I try to breath more slowly if I can. I am sure I am breathing wrong though.
  • Thanks! I have gotten a little lightheaded before from exercising though in the past. I guess that means I need to slow down a little?
  • On Level 1 Day 9 today and have gone from 145 to 140 lbs and lost one inch in my tummy!! Loving it!!
  • I am not ever hungry enough to eat my exercise calories. I eat around 1200 a day and exercise daily (burning anywhere from 250 to 550). From what I have read, if you eat more calories from healthy foods such as those from veggies and fruits, lean meats, legumes, whole grains, etc you will lose much more weight compared to…
  • I am 5'4, with 35 inch hips, size 4 ring, and I weigh 140 after having babies. I use to weigh 113 before I had them. 122 is the perfect (healthy) weight for your height and bone structure. Don't let anyone tell you different, they are just jealous.
  • I am only a week or so into my weight loss. I have lost 5 lbs but this fluctuates. I have already lost about 1 inch of my waist, but I think it is the water loss from exercise that everyone loses the first week. I think it is too early to tell at this point if it will really work for me in the long run. I want to lose…
  • I totally understand. You need to be doing Kegel exercises to tighten the muscles down there. Just one of the bad side effects of having children, despite what a blessing they are!!
  • I have 5 children so we have to stretch out our money like that as well. Two things that I do that we can eat on for several days are big pots of homemade Vegetarian Chili and Chicken Vegetable soup. They both are cheap and last for days!!! I suggest stocking up on dried beans, like pinto beans, lentils, etc. Those when…
  • Thanks! Well he is almost 6 months. I have heard that they really start sucking it down after that and you can lose weight towards the end of breastfeeding moreso than you do at the beginning. I hope so!