Much appreciated Chris, I really like 3 and 4. We actually just bought some preworkout (Weapon X). I like it because it gives you a focused surplus of energy/strength without the jitters. We've been doing it for 2 weeks now so it hasnt been that long, none the less Im pleased with how its working. I also like the rest…
Appreciate the input. She trains in the gym 3-6 days per week with 3 days going to weights and 1-3 days allocated to cardio. The philosphy we take to training is not to count the reps but to give it your intensity in the gym is always high whether it be more reps or heavier weight with proper form.
We had talked about possible solutions the past few weeks and I had the idea this morning to use the mfp forum for input. Shes on here as well, stays pretty tight to her eating regimen (username: josefina_asfitness). Shes in her early 30's, 5 feet 7, 150 out 4-6x/week. 3 days of weight lifting and 1-3 days…
Vegetables will help you hit your macros (proteins, carbs, fats). I would suggest spending some time on what macros work best for you and try to hit those numbers day in and day out. For example, my protein is sat at 40%, Carb 35%, Fat 25%. Hope that helps...
I think it depends on what your goals are. A lot of items classified as traditional breakfast have lots of carbs. Thats not necessarily an issue but something to look at to make sure you dont go crazy on your carbs for the day. To be more specific to your question, I personally like whole grain oats. I'll usually throw in…
San Antonio, Texas :-)
It depends on what your goal is. Keep this in mind….a 3500 calorie deficit will get you a 1 pound loss and vice versa. If your goal is to maintain you want to feed your body the right amount of calories based on your activity level. So if you want to gain weight, you would want an excess of 3500 calories. One other…
Great input, thanks! You can't touch this is definitely going into my playlist lol
What is your goal?
Hello all, willing to provide and give motivational support. Made a bet with my gf to eat clean for 3 months!
I would like to volunteer as a mentor. My name is Sean...have been actively involved in fitness for about 3 years now. Studying for the NASA to get my personal training certification. Bring on the questions!
Hello everyone. Personal trainer in the works...always look to help anyone in need, or share ideas