cristieg Member


  • As far as veggies go, you can really eat anything you like. I'd stay away from potatoes, but he does mention that you can have a baked potato as a snack option. My favorites are spinach, broccoli, spaghetti squash, green beans, peas, asparagus, eggplant & butternut squash. I do not like beans, so I use edamame or lima…
  • I'm on W3D5 & I feel great! I've been in a great mood, my skin is healthier & I feel thinner. I don't feel sleepy during the last hour or so at work anymore, so that's a good thing!! I totally quit caffeine and decided to indulge in a coke zero last night with my dinner. I couldn't even finish half of it. It tasted so…
  • I'm not a cereal person (I despise milk) but Cheerios are either sugar free or very low in sugar & easy to find. Look in the organic/health food section of your grocery store. I'd look at Ezekiel or Kashi brands. Sorry, I'm not much help.
  • I haven't been able to find anything about avocados. They're pretty healthy as far as vitamins and nutrients go. But, they are high in calories and (good) fat. I personally love them, but I would eat them in moderation. Keep in mind an average haas avocado has about 250 calories.
    in Avocado Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • I don't care for beans very much, so I either skip the beans or substitute some steamed edamame on the days that call for beans.
  • Congrats on making it through!!! That's awesome. I'm on W3D3 right now, I can't imagine it being my "TOM" too. You rock, girl! Keep it up!!
    in Week 3 Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • That's probably just fine. Are you counting that as your fruit or are you eating fruit in addition to that? As long as you count it, you should be alright!
    in Bananas Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • I don't think he restricts bananas. He specifically mentions them as a fruit option in week 3. I usually just add 1/2 of a banana to my smoothie if I'm in the mood for one. Bananas are high in calories and sugars, so I would just make sure you stay within your calories guidelines if you have one as a snack. I hear you on…
    in Bananas Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • Week 1, I lost 4 pounds & 1 inch on my waist. Week 2, I skipped my weigh-in but lost 2 inches on my hips and 1 on each thigh.
  • How are you doing, now??
    in Week 3 Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • I'm very pleased! I lost 4 pounds on Week 1. I skipped my Week 2 weigh in because I ate off plan the night before and felt very bloated. I didn't want to get discouraged with the number on the scale. But, I did take my measurements and saw improvement there. You should take your measurements like he recommends, it's very…
  • Good luck! I've never done Power 90, but I have P90x and it is tough! My favorite is the supplemental Cardio X workout. Tony is a beast!!! Another word of advice is to drink LOTS of water! It has really helped me to figure out that my body is telling me that I am thirsty, not hungry. I also set up reminders on my phone to…
  • W3D1 in the books for me! I'm feeling very good about this week. I just need to make sure I take advantage of those snacks and make them as filling as possible. My morning smoothie is so simple, but very yummy. I know he says to switch it up, but I'm loving this combo right now for breakfast. I alternate my other meals, so…
    in week 3 Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • I'm on Week 3. This is a tough week of mostly liquid meals under 200 calories each. The serving size for this soup is 1-1.5 cups. I just chose to keep mine at 1 cup. Last night I was allowed to have 1 fruit smoothie (under 200 cal), 1 bowl of soup (under 200 cal) and 1 fruit or veggie. I wasn't hungry enough to eat the…
  • Dr. Ian says that it's okay to swap certain meals if it's easier for you. For example, if you can get to meal 4's foods easier than meal 3, just switch them. As long as you don't make a habit it of it, it's allowed. Just don't skip meals, double up on meals or eat more than listed.
  • As far as ready made shakes go, I would try the Atkins, Special K, or Boost brands. I believe they are all low in sugar. Are you able to freeze a homemade shake and take it with you? Is there another meal you could swap for the time you're at work? I am using Shakeology right now because I have some left over. But, I'll be…
  • I'm starting week 3 today too! I'm looking forward to it because I fell off track over the weekend. I was totally unprepared for some surprise company that came in. I still tried to make good choices, but I feel like I overate. I tried to make up for it by doing some extra cardio. But, I skipped my weigh in this morning…
    in week 3 Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • P.S. Congrats on the 70lbs lost. That is AMAZING!!!!!
    in Hungry? Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • Hmm... Those are all really good choices. Here are some things that I snacked on last week & this week that helped curb my appetite: Popcorn Rice cakes - caramel corn flavor, 50 cal each. Baby carrots Celery Honeycrisp apples Small banana w/ cinnamon & 1 tsp honey Cottage cheese w/ cayenne pepper Whole grain melba toast…
    in Hungry? Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • Hi rlb8788! I'm on W2D5. I'm definitely feeling less hungry than I did last week. I've ended up skipping atleast one snack each day this week. What kind of snacks are you eating? Alot of times we mistake thirst for hunger. Maybe try drinking more water & eating snacks that are higher in protein. Also, congrats to you…
    in Hungry? Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • I might not be much help because I absolutely love grilled chicken. If you gave me a choice, 9 times out of 10 I'd pick grilled chicken. I never really get tired of it. Spices are unlimited, so try different seasonings & marinades. Some of my favorites flavors are: Lemon pepper, garlic, ginger, cilantro-lime, rosemary,…
  • Amaytennant, it probably is all of those things combined. I cut out caffeine cold turkey on day 1(one of my resolutions) and about day 4 I started feeling run down and getting withdrawl headaches. If your body is used to having sugar and caffeine on a regular basis, you will feel pretty crappy while it's readjusting. Plus,…
  • Congrats on the weight loss, hikaratedeb! That is awesome! I'm on W2D2. So far, I have consumed less calories this week. But, I think it's mostly because I haven't been very hungry this week. I just make sure that I eat part of my meals on time. Last week I averaged about 1200 calories per day. I don't think week 2 is…
    in week 2 Comment by cristieg January 2013
  • That's awesome that you fought the temptation at the diner. It's so hard when everyone else around you is eating all the delicious fatty food. Kudos to you!!! Good luck this week!
  • The hardest part of the plan for me is to eat all of the food. But, you do not have to eat the snacks. You MUST eat the meals on time. If you aren't hungry, just eat part of it. You must eat something at meal time (about every 3-4 hours) though. It's a little difficult for me while I'm at work too. I pack everything the…
  • Congratulations!!!
  • I'm finishing up W1D5 and I'm really liking this plan so far! I haven't had any cravings for junk food and haven't felt overly hungry! I think the water and fresh fruit & veggies really help with that. I like how SHRED doesn't start off with a cleanse or insane restrictions, I tend to cheat and ultimately give up on that…