lisalosing100 Member


  • Thank you for posting!! This definitely resonates with me, I've been allowing many more minor indulgences than I want to at this stage in the game, and sometimes I literally have to tell myself OUT LOUD that if I don't log those crap calories, I'm only cheating myself. I think I need to switch to logging something before I…
  • Oh man, I just spent a good 5 minutes pondering that. And don't even get me started on clothing choices. Leggings?!
  • I don't even know why I'm poking my nose into this as it's none of business.... That said, guys, I think xarla was being a bit tongue-in-cheek about the whole thing. I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about her being an a-hole customer calling corporate and complaining about portion sizes. I read it as more of a "Hey…
  • I woke up on my birthday and I knew that if I didn't go for a run, I wouldn't have the best day ever. So I ran on my birthday. This would have been LAUGHABLE a year ago!
  • :( Bummer. I had knee/ankle pain on the elliptical when I first started. I know for me the culprit was my shoes...didn't realize they were a "shaper" when I bought them (cheap champion knockoffs). Switched to Nike Fusions and within 3 days there were no more issues. I was hoping you'd have a similarly simple solution. I…
  • Talk to your doctor! Seriously, don't mess with knee pain. And is there any chance it could be your shoes? Are you wearing a "shaping/toning" shoe? Were they professionally fitted at a running store? Are they altering your gait at all?
  • Dang girl, that's the most motivating thing I've seen all day! A sincere thanks for sharing.
  • Of course my first post on the boards is about tanning; this would not shock anyone who has ever met me... That said, I would tan obsessively when I was younger. I'm paying for it now as my derm is constantly biopsying different areas of my skin for melanoma. Now I use self tanner to keep a bit of color year-round, as my…