


  • Gracestar12
    Gracestar12 Posts: 46 Member
    Might I suggest slathering on the sunscreen and spending a little time outside (and I'm not talking long here). I find that even when the sunscreen is thick enough to scrape off my skin by lightly running a finger nail over it, I still seem to have coloured up a little... with lots (and I mean LOTS) of freckles. (Of course it may be due to having got almost no sun for a decade thanks to typical red-head sun paranoia, then the resultant accute vitamin D issue...)
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    do not use the tanning bed! dermatologist says its bad for you! this from someone who had her nose cut on from skin cancer! stay away! jergens is nice and not orange. my tan is from that in the bridal pic.
    In excess, it's bad for you. My dermatologist recommended it (although she said, don't tell anyone I told you! lol) but stressed to keep the time down to 5 minutes a shot, no more than 3 times a week. It's to give me vitamin D to help my psoriasis. The problem with them, is most people use them over 4 times a week for 10-25 minutes a shot...and of course the tanning businesses won't talk you out of that.

    Right, but are you tanning to get a tan? Or are you tanning to just help your skin condition? She's trying to get darker, so her situation applies to the urgent comment not to use tanning beds.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    20 years from now, you are going to be very, very sorry you did this.

    Tanning beds aren't really bad for your skin. They're the same rays that the sun naturally gives off. Some tanning benefits are: the "sunlight" rays stimulates the thyroid gland, which boosts your metabolism, if you have psoriasis it helps improve it, decreases adrenaline levels and release endorphins, if you have the winter blues it'll cheer you up, and it helps clear up acne. I tan almost every day, sometimes I'll skip a week here or there.

    20 years from now she will look 40 years older. I'm willing to bet she'll be very, very sorry LONG before then.

    I don't tan. I have dark hair and dark eyes but a very pale complexion. I embraced my paleness at a very young age and never did the laying out to tan thing like my sisters did when we were teenagers. I'm 42. My sisters are 40. Both of them look like they are pushing 50. I got carded for beer 2 weeks ago.
    I'm 41 and my skin is in great condition...but my grey hair isn't fooling anyone lol :bigsmile:
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    his is my favorite product

    if you are light skin, you we be harmed more by tanning beds then someone who is darker naturally. It is much cheaper to use lotions, i usually do half lotion half tanner to avoid streaking. I have also noticed pale people who tan in beds look very strange, almost a yellow color
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    I used to go tanning. I would go once a week for 10 mins. It actually did the job and cleared up my acne.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    What's wrong with being white?

    Some black people bleach their skin.
    Some white people tan.
    People are never happy with their bodies.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    What's wrong with being white?

    Some black people bleach their skin.
    Some white people tan.
    People are never happy with their bodies.
    This site is a testament to that :laugh:
  • kmw278
    kmw278 Posts: 2 Member
    Just to quickly chime in - I am fair as well, and am getting married in 2 months, so can relate to what you're saying.

    I use a Dove lotion with natural self tanners - http://www.amazon.com/Energy-Lotion-Subtle-Tanner-Medium/dp/B0013BF6P4/ref=sr_1_2?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1327538711&sr=1-2

    it is really gradual and natural looking, and gives you just enough glow to feel great! Hope this helps!
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    Tanning beds aren't really bad for your skin. They're the same rays that the sun naturally gives off. Some tanning benefits are: the "sunlight" rays stimulates the thyroid gland, which boosts your metabolism, if you have psoriasis it helps improve it, decreases adrenaline levels and release endorphins, if you have the winter blues it'll cheer you up, and it helps clear up acne. I tan almost every day, sometimes I'll skip a week here or there.

    They're TERRIBLE for your skin...they're a concentrated version of the rays the sun gives off. People only really need to be in the sun for 15 min a day to get the benefits...

    Haha and I go in a bed for twenty...
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    20 years from now, you are going to be very, very sorry you did this.

    Tanning beds aren't really bad for your skin. They're the same rays that the sun naturally gives off. Some tanning benefits are: the "sunlight" rays stimulates the thyroid gland, which boosts your metabolism, if you have psoriasis it helps improve it, decreases adrenaline levels and release endorphins, if you have the winter blues it'll cheer you up, and it helps clear up acne. I tan almost every day, sometimes I'll skip a week here or there.
    I'd agree...going every day is not a good idea under any circumstance.

    Cool story, bro :)
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    20 years from now, you are going to be very, very sorry you did this.

    Tanning beds aren't really bad for your skin. They're the same rays that the sun naturally gives off. Some tanning benefits are: the "sunlight" rays stimulates the thyroid gland, which boosts your metabolism, if you have psoriasis it helps improve it, decreases adrenaline levels and release endorphins, if you have the winter blues it'll cheer you up, and it helps clear up acne. I tan almost every day, sometimes I'll skip a week here or there.

    20 years from now she will look 40 years older. I'm willing to bet she'll be very, very sorry LONG before then.

    I don't tan. I have dark hair and dark eyes but a very pale complexion. I embraced my paleness at a very young age and never did the laying out to tan thing like my sisters did when we were teenagers. I'm 42. My sisters are 40. Both of them look like they are pushing 50. I got carded for beer 2 weeks ago.

    I look like I'm sixteen and I'm twenty-two. I've been tanning on and off since I was fifteen.. I think I'll be alright. My mom tans and has tanned for years, she's forty-two and looks like she's still in her early thirties. So awesome tidbit, but I'm not buying it.
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    I personally like my skin pale and cancer free. But maybe you can try a spray tan?
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I used to always have a tan when I was younger just from being outside all the time, then as I got older me and my friends would lay out all the time and yes I used baby oil. Then as I got older I used tanning beds on a regular basis cause I didn't have the time to lay outside.

    Then I stopped using tanning beds and used self tanner. That worked great for a few years till Cliniwue changed their formula and my legs broke out in a rash. Yikes!!

    Then we moved to AZ from Buffalo NY and I started using sunscreen!! I now use a product from Avon called Skin So Soft Satin Glow. LOVE IT!! Doesn't have a had odorous, gives me just a touch of colir when I want it, and the best part....NO orangey color or streaks, or stuff left on your hands! Really easy to use!!
  • You look great in your picture...why not love the skin you were given so you don't spend the rest of your life wanting to be different. Take a look at some of the most beautiful women in the world have very pale skin. I think you look great and would be happier loving yourself as you are. Take it from me, I used to tan both outside and in and now I have sun damage and age spots . You really don't want this damage if you can help it. Love your skin :)
  • shelbz09
    shelbz09 Posts: 115
    There isnt sun here :( I live in montana and its winter..it sucks! lol
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Try Sally Hansen airbrushed legs.. I use it for special occasions and it washes off.. I feel the same way about veins but tanning is meh... And it kind of creeps me out when people are super tan in the winter.. they're not fooling anyone. :)
  • shelbz09
    shelbz09 Posts: 115
    Thank you :)
  • lisalosing100
    lisalosing100 Posts: 8 Member
    Of course my first post on the boards is about tanning; this would not shock anyone who has ever met me...

    That said, I would tan obsessively when I was younger. I'm paying for it now as my derm is constantly biopsying different areas of my skin for melanoma. Now I use self tanner to keep a bit of color year-round, as my skin is naturally very pale. Like many before me have said, any UV exposure can be dangerous so if you do decide to go that route, please be aware of the risks.

    However, if you'd like to use a self-tanner, I agree with everything tangal88 has said. Also, I find different companies have different color formulas. What looks most natural on one person can look fake on another, so it might take some trial and error to find your match. I'd recommend any beginner start with a gradual tanner like Jergens® natural glow or L'Oreal Sublime Bronze. Both apply evenly and fade without splotching, and they're around $7-10 a bottle (which should do anywhere from 10-20 applications, in my experience). These are great IMHO because they rarely look fake and don't smell terrible. Don't expect to get too dark, though. I've never had to buy a darker foundation or anything. Careful with the Jergens, as it seems to have quite a bit of shimmer which can look ridiculous if you go out during the day without first washing off the residue.

    If you're looking for a deeper tan, I really like Banana Boat Summer Color. This is NOT gradual, and you can expect to get quite a few shades darker overnight. I like it because it's cheap, has a "color guide" (the actual lotion is brown) which shows you where you applied to prevent streaks, looks pretty realistic, and smells pretty good. Conversely, it's much easier to mess this up (than a gradual tanner) which means skin prep is much more important. You must pay attention to any dry spots (knees, elbows) and it's easy to get a line from washing your hands after application. My solution: wash hands frequently during application (to prevent orange palms-dead giveaway) and wash again when you're finished with your body. Then, put some tanner on a makeup sponge and apply in a circular motion to the backs of your hands to blend the line from your wrist. To make it look even more natural, don't apply as heavily on your fingers, and don't apply any at all near your fingertips (or above the top knuckle). Another drawback--this fades unevenly (I try to counteract by applying a gradual tanner while it's fading to keep tone even as possible).

    Whew! Sorry for the novel, I just really like tanning. If anything is unclear, I'd be happy to answer questions!
  • lori4013
    lori4013 Posts: 73 Member
    Here is my advice....I have been tanning in a tanning bed for years. Usually April-August. This year I found out I had skin cancer on my back. Luckily it was not cancerous. But they had to take a big chunk out of my back.....From now on I'm only spray tanning or nothing. :( Makes me sad but the skin cancer scared me and I think I was lucky it wasnt worse.
  • I am a childs of the 70's. Laid out in the sun all the time, you know baby oil and iodine. Now I have melasma ( brown spots ) so bad that only fractional laser will get rid of them. So keep your perfect " white " skin and you will be soooo happy later you did.