The ice cream that made me angry



  • My fiance and I are always having an ice cream sweet tooth so we buy ice cream sandwiches at the store and keep them at home. 1 sandwich could be 120-150 calories depending on the brand. It's just enough to get you thru that craving.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I hate it when that happens. I don't know why people in the food industry do that, but I think they may think they are being nice to give you a little extra. I would have been mad too!

    If I eat fast food (restaurants included) I always check the info, then tell them like 3 times how I want it. lol They get annoyed, but I get what I want. :)
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    Wait....230? The nutritional info says a McD's cone is 150 calories.

    That's our society. Too much of everything. I remember I used to feel good about myself if I ate less than all of the HUGE a++ portion that I was served. I do get the McD's cones still though and log them at 150.

    Probably different countries. Mine is Canadian.
    Yeah, that's just the exchange rate.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Haha I could have not eaten the whole cone, I know....but then I wouldn't have had the whole cone experience.

    I'm at a loss as to how this is the poor woman who served you's fault, then?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    the really bad part is that it isnt even real ice cream. double fail. now you can also be mad at the entire Mcdonald organization. not just the poor gal who gave you a big cone of fake ice cream.
  • Couldn't have been too mad if you ate it all....
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Scoop a big dollop off the top with a spoon, feed it to your bf, kiss him afterwards, finish enjoying your ice cream, enjoy the rest of your evening. Problem solved.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Scoop a big dollop off the top with a spoon, feed it to your bf, kiss him afterwards, finish enjoying your ice cream, enjoy the rest of your evening. Problem solved.

    but but but...then she couldnt "rant" for 15 minutes on the way home while she slurped up the over loaded cone and then post a thread the next day ranting about her rant. no dear....common sense has no place here
  • thekacers
    thekacers Posts: 68
    Last night I had some calories left at the end of the day, so I decided to treat myself to a ice cream cone at mcdonald's. I know I could have made healthier choices, but I had it factored into my calories and I figure if I deprive myself of things I'm only going to want them more and not be able to sustain my new eating patterns.

    So I went to mcdonalds and ordered a cone. It was going to be 230 calories, which I was perfectly ok with. I got my cone and headed out to the car where my boyfriend was waiting for me. As we were driving out the highway towards home, I realized I had not be talking at all. I started to laugh and then tell my boyfriend about the dialogue that was going on in my head.

    I was sooooo angry. The mcdonalds worker had made my cone HUGE. There was way too much ice cream on it and I was angry because she probably thought she was doing me some kind of favour over feeding me. I was angry because I ordered 230 calories worth of ice cream and that's what I wanted. I started to rant on about how society is set up to make people fat and even when you're trying to portion your food you can't even eat out because they don't follow their own guidelines. Why does everyone think more is better when it comes to food? I proceeded to rant on like this the 15 minute drive home.

    Am I crazy? I think I'm going to buy some ice cream and keep it in the freezer so I can control the portion myself.

    It drives me crazy, too! My biggest irk: I have been weighing out my food, and what KILLS me is that the serving size will be a certain thing, for example: 1 slice of bread (40g). But when I actually weigh out 1 slice of bread, it is more than 40g. It's not so bad if it was just one thing, but I am noticing it with most things that I am weighing. It makes it hard to accurately keep track of everything on MFP. I wish manufacturer's could get their machines to accurately portion out food.
    And with fast food - I find I have to stop going. Because it is hand made food, and done so in a fast pace, there is no way that they can be accurately preparing your food to company standards. There's always a ton of cheese or mayo or way more fries than there should be.
    When I've asked, many sit-down restaurants have admitted that their food comes to them pre-portioned. I like to hope that they at least have figured out proper portioning, but who knows?
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    hehe you ranted about it for the whole 15 minutes home? Your poor bf!

    Eat it or dont.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Sabotage! :angry:
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I think you're blowing this completely out of proportion and trying to blame someone else for your lack of self-control. No one made you
    a) order an ice cream cone
    b) eat the whole thing
    I know everyone's going to jump on me for being rude, but the fact of the matter is this trend of blaming everybody else is why we're so unhealthy now. Own up to what you put in your mouth.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Haha I could have not eaten the whole cone, I know....but then I wouldn't have had the whole cone experience.

    I'm at a loss as to how this is the poor woman who served you's fault, then?

    ^^^ This. Im sure she didn't TELL you to eat it all..your self control should dictate that!! but heck, its no big deal for going over on. you enjoyed your ice cream and even if that kid was being generous, It's not wrong to berate her for that.
  • lisalosing100
    lisalosing100 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't even know why I'm poking my nose into this as it's none of business....

    That said, guys, I think xarla was being a bit tongue-in-cheek about the whole thing. I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about her being an a-hole customer calling corporate and complaining about portion sizes. I read it as more of a "Hey guys, my POV is changing and things that formerly wouldn't have made me bat an eye now get me up in arms. Also, what the heck, Society? Let's address our more-is-better approach to everything."

    Then again people have sued for dumber reasons before, so what do I know? :tongue:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I know what you mean...and it's an awful feeling..

    I keep skinny cow bars and ice cream in my freezer...and it's yummy and I control it!

    Skinny cow is amazing and I totally feel you on the being mad. Sorry so many others dont agree
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I read it as more of a "Hey guys, my POV is changing and things that formerly wouldn't have made me bat an eye now get me up in arms. Also, what the heck, Society? Let's address our more-is-better approach to everything."
    Yes that's how I read it too. Obviously you need to take responsibility for what you decide to eat, but for me "bigger is better" has always seemed stupid and frankly that sort of attitude to food is getting a bit old...

    I reckon that there will be a massive backlash following the ever increasing ill health our population is suffering, and in a few generations time, people will be looking at our diets with the same disbelief as we look at people who smoked in "for their health" in the 1930s - and like us, they'll be saying "But I don't get it, all the research was clear, WHY did they keep eating like that?" :bigsmile:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Last night I had some calories left at the end of the day, so I decided to treat myself to a ice cream cone at mcdonald's. I know I could have made healthier choices, but I had it factored into my calories and I figure if I deprive myself of things I'm only going to want them more and not be able to sustain my new eating patterns.

    So I went to mcdonalds and ordered a cone. It was going to be 230 calories, which I was perfectly ok with. I got my cone and headed out to the car where my boyfriend was waiting for me. As we were driving out the highway towards home, I realized I had not be talking at all. I started to laugh and then tell my boyfriend about the dialogue that was going on in my head.

    I was sooooo angry. The mcdonalds worker had made my cone HUGE. There was way too much ice cream on it and I was angry because she probably thought she was doing me some kind of favour over feeding me. I was angry because I ordered 230 calories worth of ice cream and that's what I wanted. I started to rant on about how society is set up to make people fat and even when you're trying to portion your food you can't even eat out because they don't follow their own guidelines. Why does everyone think more is better when it comes to food? I proceeded to rant on like this the 15 minute drive home.

    Am I crazy? I think I'm going to buy some ice cream and keep it in the freezer so I can control the portion myself.

    It drives me crazy, too! My biggest irk: I have been weighing out my food, and what KILLS me is that the serving size will be a certain thing, for example: 1 slice of bread (40g). But when I actually weigh out 1 slice of bread, it is more than 40g. It's not so bad if it was just one thing, but I am noticing it with most things that I am weighing. It makes it hard to accurately keep track of everything on MFP. I wish manufacturer's could get their machines to accurately portion out food.
    And with fast food - I find I have to stop going. Because it is hand made food, and done so in a fast pace, there is no way that they can be accurately preparing your food to company standards. There's always a ton of cheese or mayo or way more fries than there should be.
    When I've asked, many sit-down restaurants have admitted that their food comes to them pre-portioned. I like to hope that they at least have figured out proper portioning, but who knows?

    I worked in many chain restaurants. Chili's being one of them, and EVERYTHING comes in a preportioned plastic bag, so the chef doesn't measure a single thing. So it really comes down the the ppl putting it in the bag in the first place which is ridiculous because they complain ppl are over weight but they're the ones making us feel like a dinner for 1 is the actual size of 4 ppl's dinners on one plate. Or hey you want us to eat healthier but the organic, whole, fresh foods are 4x the amount of the ****ty food and with the economy the way it is many eat what they can afford weather its good or not. And it sucks
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Haha I could have not eaten the whole cone, I know....but then I wouldn't have had the whole cone experience.
    You could have knocked some off the top and then you could still have eaten the cone.

    I don't see how you think you had a good experience anyway. You were so angry you ranted about it for 15 minutes instead of enjoying your ice cream. You might as well have thrown it out.

    Yes, that is flipping crazy.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    . So it really comes down the the ppl putting it in the bag in the first place which is ridiculous because they complain ppl are over weight but they're the ones making us feel like a dinner for 1 is the actual size of 4 ppl's dinners on one plate. Or hey you want us to eat healthier but the organic, whole, fresh foods are 4x the amount of the ****ty food and with the economy the way it is many eat what they can afford weather its good or not. And it sucks

    so....its everyones fault except the person actually putting it in their own mouth? alrighty then
  • lisalosing100
    lisalosing100 Posts: 8 Member
    I reckon that there will be a massive backlash following the ever increasing ill health our population is suffering, and in a few generations time, people will be looking at our diets with the same disbelief as we look at people who smoked in "for their health" in the 1930s - and like us, they'll be saying "But I don't get it, all the research was clear, WHY did they keep eating like that?" :bigsmile:

    Oh man, I just spent a good 5 minutes pondering that. And don't even get me started on clothing choices. Leggings?!