Sometimes you just need to step away from the scale...



  • MzzAisha
    MzzAisha Posts: 39 Member
    You look awesome I can totally see a difference!! This is very encouraging- thanks for posting!!
  • jcbernahl
    jcbernahl Posts: 61 Member
    You look fantastic! Keep it up!
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    this is awesome! im also at a plateau, this is the kind of post i needed to see today! great work.
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    WOW! Thanks so much for posting these. I am also obsessed with the scale...but this just reminds me that I'm also losing inches. Good job :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    I think you are an AWESOME work-in-progress!

    We *all* progress at different rates, but your progress (imho), has been SUPER-FAST.

    Good for you! And I hope other posters draw some inspiration from you - as I am!
  • What a difference! :) You look much stronger and fitter. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • lmojoallen
    lmojoallen Posts: 17 Member
    LOOKING GOOD! thanks for the motivation feeling down as I had no scale movement this week. Your post is a great pick me up!!
  • I want to look like that!?! What's your workout routine like? Cals?
  • well look great
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I too have had the same issue. I've been stuck in the 150.x to 152.x area for a while now. I've done everything I can think of to break the darn plateau and nothing has helped. This last week's food journals have reflected my frustration because I started going well, since I'm not losing how about I eat (insert high calorie food)!

    Thanks for sharing your progress, I'm there with ya though on the scale not budging. I'm thankful for my tracking progress through measurements and photos because those say a lot!

    Good luck and awesome job so far, you look great!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Great job!!!
  • lisalosing100
    lisalosing100 Posts: 8 Member
    Dang girl, that's the most motivating thing I've seen all day! A sincere thanks for sharing.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    i was just thinking the scale will NEVER budge...but when i'm nekkid i look more toned and i definitely feel more muscular in my legs and arms! thank you!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    you look awesome! congrats!!!
  • good job !! i had my daughter take before pics of me in my undies & bra When i hit my goal i will post on here !! Sometimes it is hard to not focus on the scale but when you see results you know it is working !! you look great btw
  • Great way to motivate those who've hit a plateau! I have a problem, I'm addicted to weighing myself, everyday, at least once a day! Yikes, I taped myself a week or so ago and plan on doing that once a month. But I also have decided as of yesterday, even though I forgot today, that I want to take a pic of myself o weigh in day! We'll see, because obviously pics show a difference that the scale does not sometimes! You are doing amazing! Keep it up!
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    You look like you are doing great OP! Plateau's can be killers, esp mentally.

    Take a look @ your diet see if anything changed or if there is anything you can change to try to help. Might need less carbs, more protein or the other way around. Or you can try calorie zig zagging that helps break people sometimes. But either way you look great. Keep up the great work! :)
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Oh my goodness! You sure look great :)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    looking good! I especially admire the definition I can see in your shoulders now...very nice! Great job!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Oh my goodness, there is a definite noticeable difference!

    I am also in an almost 2mos plateau. I wish I could say my clothes were getting looser or I was losing inches or something.

    You look great!