MsPrettiSmile Member


  • I am extremely motivated by your story. You provide me with the courage to continue on & to give the dedication needed to reach my goals. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • Weekly Goal: 3000 Mon: 339 calories burned (43 min strength training, 34 min aerobics) Tues: Rest Wed: 656 calories burned (45 min circuit training, 49 min aerobics) Thur:525 calories burned (60 min bellydancing, 42 min aerobics) Fri: 572 calories burned (45 min strength training, 10 min stretch, 54 min circuit training)…
  • Weekly Goal: 3000 Mon: 339 calories burned (43 min strength training, 34 min aerobics) Tues: Rest Wed: 656 calories burned (45 min circuit training, 49 min aerobics) Thur:525 calories burned (60 min bellydancing, 42 min aerobics) Fri: 572 calories burned (45 min strength training, 10 min stretch, 54 min circuit training)…
  • Weekly Goal: 3000 Mon: 339 calories burned (43 min strength training, 34 min aerobics) Tues: Rest Wed: 656 calories burned (45 min circuit training, 49 min aerobics) Thur:525 calories burned (60 min bellydancing, 42 min aerobics) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • Weekly Goal: 3000 Mon: 339 calories burned (43 min strength training, 34 min aerobics) Tues: Rest Wed: 656 calories burned (45 min circuit training, 49 min aerobics) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how…
  • I'm in, but I'm starting off with a lower goal. Weekly Goal: 3000 Mon: 339 calories burned (43 min strength training, 34 min aerobics) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories…
  • If your body is naturally curvy, you'll never loose them, unless you become rail thin. I have a very curvy bottom & even after loosiing 20 lbs, I still have my curves. I do a lot of aerobics using hand weights (a la "The FIRM" - I swear by those DVDs & you can easily find them at your local Target). I also do Belly Dance,…