rigdonia Member


  • I lost 70 pounds in about four months once. We hired a personal trainer, worked out five days a week for an hour, and ate a diet he made up for us. The diet was basic - just a calorie load that was less than what I was burning. He added things like brown rice and fresh vegetables and plain pop corn etc. for bulk so that I…
  • I was fine on lisinopril at a low dose 10 mg but when doc increased dose to 20 I felt awful, lightheaded, palpiatations etc. I still never did get him to admit it was the meds - but I know as soon as I quit taking it, I felt better. Some people just don't tolerate some meds, but docs don't like to hear it sometimes. I…
  • I have had Lupus for 12 years and RA for about 4 years. Taking plaquenil, mtx, humira, advil. Pain varies in location and severity on a daily basis. Fatigue as well. I think the take away is to be flexible and loving to yourself. Don't get into the mindset, for example, that you have to run every day. The only thing that…
  • I just want to say something about "complaining". I do feel guilty sometimes that I complain about my fingers hurting or my hips or shoulders but I can walk when I get up in the morning where there are many with RA who can not. BUT. Just because other people have worse pain and symptoms doesn't negate the effect of Your…
  • Hi all. I am new to MFP. I have had Lupus (mild - mostly fatigue) for 14 years. During a remission, I hired a personal trainer (about four years ago) and lost over 60 pounds and then was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. SCREECH to a halt. Six months later I could hardly walk, let alone excercise. Now almost four years…