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shannonbillows Member


  • If your not losing fat, you just eating that little too much. most people will under estimate how much they eat and over estimate how much they burn. a typical HIT workout burns around 300-400 calories and this is intense exercise for about an hour. and most food products you buy are probably containing more calories than…
  • I can see where you are coming from but i have to mention that there have been studies done that you dont actually need to worry about muscle mass loss until you start reaching the low low body fat of around 6%. What the person probably lost was not muscle but lean body mass. LBM is pretty much everything in your body…
  • Turbulencetraining.com bodyrock.tv you wil lfit in a workout with these 2 sources.
  • I couldnt have said it any better myself. i highly recomend using your BMR as a bare minimum. Try not to consider any exercise you have done as extra room to eat. most of the time machines are wrong or you will over estimate how much you have actually burnt and/or under estimate how much you have actually eating.
  • depends on your goals, if you still trying to lose id cut the cals a tiny but under bmr, if you want to maintain just eat at bmr just be careful not to binge on weekends as it will put you over for the week. :)
  • Its not an argument Lisa, its a fact. feel free to walk away i have worked in the fitness and health industry for the past 4 years, and let me guess i bet you still believe in eating 6 meals a day spaced 3 hours apart. when new research is provided for you with out any evidence to knock it back you simply say you dont want…
  • Direct quote from " http://www.adonisindex.com/calculating-metabolic-rate-how-to-really-do-it/ " "Metabolic Rate…Metabolism, BMR, RMR…these are buzz words that the diet and fitness media throw around all the time, however it’s greatly misunderstood. There are many ‘metabolic rate’ calculators online that you can use to…
  • No i clearly stated BMR.. Your BMr is what you need to do, most people don't even move more than 2000 steps a day do you know how much that actually burns... Not very much at all. about an extra 100 calories and im being generous. Watch this by john Barban. he puts it as simple as it can possibly be.…
  • your simply.. eating too much, or you miscalculating how much your eating or you may have miscalculated what yourbmr actually is. even them your BMr is just a guideline of how much you should eat it can vary 400- or 400+ what your bmr states its just an average. here is my analogy.If you take veryone in Australia, added…
  • there are 2 ways to weight loss... 1. Eat below Bmr... you will lose fat.... 2. Eat at your bmr Exactly and exercise to get below your bmr. please watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7_RV7Z7hXE Thank goodness I have done all the research and know enough about fat loss and muscle building that all my clients get…
  • So essentially you are doing a fast day once a week. you basically don't eat all day and have one meal at the start or the end. I don't see why 1200 and 1500 should be the minimum. if you have a lot of weight to lose you can go as long as you want provided your getting a varied amounts of protein carbs and fats. Protein…
  • Hey, i know Alen Cosgrove is a fantastic author and has vast knowledge in training but weight loss really comes down to how much you want to lose and in how much time 1. Fat is not metabolically active. for a kilo of fat to sit on your body you burn about an extra 2 calories a day. if someone is 30 kilos over wight that…
  • Short answer, No depends very much on your goals, if you trying to lose fat, eat less and move more :P
  • slowly increase making sure you done get any pain. if you jump straight in it will just set you back longer
  • Exactly, once you figure out bmr, you need to eat 500 cals less to lose roughly a .5 kilos a week, extra exercises is great to get you there faster being a woman generally you need to watch what you eat a little more closly in comparison to men. guys are just bigger and can get away with more you may avrage somewhere…
  • Hey, i would like to add my 2 cents. Its only a problem if you think its a problem. It all really depends on your Goals, what current shape your in. What your trying to achieve etc etc. 1. 1000 cals is quite low, i am 6ft 150 pounds, very low body fat but my waist is very porportionate to my hight, i am currently eating…