larnocky Member


  • I work full time and am also in school completing my professional designation. What I do, is stay at work late to finish all my work - whether it be a report, planning, etc. Because you'll want to get out of there, you will work more efficiently than you will at home (saving time). Next, I always bring my gym gear with me,…
  • I'm 5'10 and about 150 lbs, aiming to be cut and 135 lbs for summer (my natural body type is lean, but with poor eating habits I have defnitely fluctuated over the years). One thing I've learned being on the tall end of the spectrum, is that everyone carries weight differently, and that you should set a goal unique to…
  • It's hard when you're trying to be healthy, and save money at the same time! Rather than looking in the cupboards when you are bored, try distracting yourself with other (free or cheap) activities. Go for a walk, do your nails, meet a friend for coffee, go to the gym. Keeping craving killers in the house will also help you…
  • In addition to the B12 supplements, I would try to take an iron supplement - you could be anemic, which also causes fatigue. Be sure to take the iron supplement with food, as it may cause upset stomach.
  • If it's impacting your weight loss goals, you should try converting to whole wheat pita bread, stone ground bread, or weight watchers bread! No need to cut it out completely, but the stone ground bread especially, is difficult to digest, thus, you'll be full longer. :)
  • It could also be Ketosis. During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids to break down instead of glucose (sugars). The fatty acids are slowly broken down to produce acetone, and this chemical is lost through urine, and breath. A sour taste in the mouth is common with dieters due…
  • I'm 5'10, weigh 155, currenly a size 6. My personal goal is 140 lbs. I want to stress that I'm an athlete and trained dietician, so this goal is not for everyone! You have to take the time to analyze what an attainable goal for yourself is, and what you can realistically commit to. Age, health, and body type all come into…
  • I would continue eating at least 1200 calories/day, but I would increase my cardio in order to create a larger deficit. It's important that you realize there is no "quick fix", and that if you want the weight to stay off, it usually takes a longer time period to lose. I would stick to foods that have low GI levels - they…