Sour taste in mouth after eating?

Lately I've been getting a sour taste in the back of my mouth, just where the throat begins, after food. It's milder after fruit and raw veggies, and worse after carb-heavy items such as chocolate or bread, but it's almost inevitably there after eating.

I don't feel it immediately after eating, more like half an hour later, and it usually stops within two hours.

I'm probably going to see a doctor if it doesn't stop, but I'm just wondering if everyone's had a similar experience?


  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    It's possible that you're experiencing acid reflux so definitely see a doctor about that. The other possibility is that it's bile, but that would indicate a gallbladder or liver problem and you'd be having other symptoms. Definitely see a doctor!
  • larnocky
    larnocky Posts: 8 Member
    It could also be Ketosis. During starvation or a long physical training session, the body starts using fatty acids to break down instead of glucose (sugars). The fatty acids are slowly broken down to produce acetone, and this chemical is lost through urine, and breath. A sour taste in the mouth is common with dieters due to this process.

    In my personal experience, this occurs when dieters are pushing themselves too hard. I recommend eating fruit and a carbohydrate prior to working out so the body has glucose available.