carolynyeo Member


  • Hi, Posting on Day 2 - took them today instead of last night. Weight 140 lbs Measurements are: 37 in bust 27 in waist 38 Hips 22 in Thighs I am doing two Zumba classes per week, two muscle conditioning classes, one yoga class and one bootcamp classes. I work at a University and do a fitness class at my lunch and then I…
  • Hi, I started boot camp three times a week and zumba twice a week last fall and couch to 5k and did not get my period for two months. Nothing wrong, not pregnant and according to my doctor very normal for someone who jumps into exercise the way I did, rather than easing your way into something. According to her it is also…
  • HI, I have been eating a lot of homemade soup lately that is incredibly filling but pretty low in calories and I can't hit the 1200 either when I do zumba....Last night I was so full and just didn;t want to eat anymore, so I was under and got that stupid message "you are eating too few calories"...Peanut butter is a good…
  • I am 140 lbs goal weight is 125 - 130 lbs. I have been working out hard the last three months (not dieting) but haven't lost a pound but lost two inches off my waist and hips and a full jean I'm not sure if I am going to get down to 125. So I would be very happy with 10 lbs gone.
  • Hi, Im in as well. I started it yesterday so I will be a few days ahead. I started at level 2 because level 1 was too easy (I have been doing boot camp classes for 4 months)....So I think I will just do level two for 10 days and then 3 for 10 and then maybe alternate...