whats your weight now



  • ShaneWinston58
    ShaneWinston58 Posts: 156 Member
    I started at about 198 lbs. I am now 183.5. My goal is to get down to about 130 to 135 lbs...which is what I weighed most of my life. I'm 53 now and just not use to being overweight. Now that I have been on MFP's for 2 months, I have a feeling it may take me a year to lose the weight. 8[:sad:
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    im 11.13 stone just now and want to get back down to 9 stone. x
  • I am currently at 194 lb and I would like to get down to 165 lb. 4 down 29 lb to go!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Started at 160lbs. I am currently 138. I want to get down to 128 =]

    Same here!!!
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I started at 180 the beginning of 2010.

    I'm currently 140.

    my goal weight is 125-130.
  • messa00
    messa00 Posts: 5 Member
    Awesome job!! Keep up the good work!
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    started at 58Kg, now i'm 48Kg and i'm just perfect. i just want to stay where iam. I hope it will be the same for all you x
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Start weight: 353
    Current weight: 205
    Goal weight: 175
  • I started at 230, I'm at 177 now. My original goal weight was 160, but that's on hold for the time being.
  • Train2fitness
    Train2fitness Posts: 18 Member
    I was 91 kg before Christmas, a week ago i was 85.5 kg but my target is 78 kg by next Christmas
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Start: 205 lbs; currently 180lbs; goal 147lbs
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I started out at 189# and a size 16, now I'm down to around 145# and a size 4.. I never dreamed I'd be here, I've never been this small, so I'm happy where I'm at.. but now my focus has shifted off the scale. I'm doing weight training, I'm looking to really tone up and build muscle, which I tend to do very easily.. but the numbers on the scale are definitely going up. I don't mind, my clothes still fit, I look better every day, and I'm very strong. I love seeing the muscle definition cut in.

    You were the same size as I was when I started 3 1/2 weeks ago (189).. My goal is 145, same as where you are now... For my own motivational purposes I have to ask .. How long did it take you to get where you are now?? I have only lost 5 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks. I am feeling like I will never get there...
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    Started nov 2011 at 169.... Currently 145.9 and ultimate goal is 125 / size 2/4 :):smokin:
  • Started at 240 got to 130 back at 152 trying to get back to 130
  • renaconnor
    renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 187 now....Highest Weight was 256 about 9 years ago. Looking to lose 27 lbs!
  • kbrinson70
    kbrinson70 Posts: 2 Member
    My weight now is 178 lbs (81 kg) and I want to get to 145 pounds (~65 kg). Wondering how long that will take if I am focused.
  • carolynyeo
    carolynyeo Posts: 5 Member
    I am 140 lbs goal weight is 125 - 130 lbs. I have been working out hard the last three months (not dieting) but haven't lost a pound but lost two inches off my waist and hips and a full jean size....so I'm not sure if I am going to get down to 125. So I would be very happy with 10 lbs gone.
  • Currently I weigh 185 pounds. My goal weight is 140-130 pounds.
  • JenHart77720
    JenHart77720 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 203lb right now and doesn't like that at all. I need some movitation to help me because I have Cerebal palsy and all of this weight and taking a toll on my legs. My kids and husband is having a good time with playing but with my legs giving out on like they are doing I can't have any fun with my family. It is tearing me up inside. Please some one give the Movitation that I need to lose this weight. I need to learn to keep a cup of water with meat all time too. When husband is home I drink more than I do when he is working.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm right around 145lbs (with a normal range of 143-150lbs) and I'm happy where I am. I've been in maintenance for 18 months. :)