

  • 32.5" - Ive lost 2 inches since starting MPF 2 & half months ago. Really want to get it down to 31". My belly is where all my weight goes - Im an apple shape. Its horrible - I wear clothes to hide it & when I sit down I out a cushion over it. I know its the worst place to carry weight in terms of health.
  • I am 5'3" and weight 11 stone 10lb, Im 27 (soon to be 28) and wear a size 14. I want to be 10 stone 8/10lb. Ive worked out aout 4/5 times a week since I was 18 but unfortunately exercising doesnt cancel bad eating habits & over eating! Ive done weight watchers - lost 2 stone & put it on, Ive done Slimming world, lost 2…
  • Those of you doing the 30 day shred - what all equipment do you need to do it? I go to the gym 4/5 times a week but would like a hardcore dvd to do at home sometimes as well - its only 20 mins isnt it?
  • I think between 20 & 30% is acceptable for a woman. I want mine down to between 20 & 25% For visable abs I think your body fat % needs to be between 10 & 13% Men body fat % is lower than a womans - our breasts, hips etc all add to ours.
  • I weigh approx once every 3 weeks & try to avoid the week before / week Im on my period. EG I weighed last week &had a loss, weighed this week & was the same. But then I measured my waist and Ive lost 2.5 inches since starting MFP (65 days ago). So while weight is important, take your measurements. Knowing i'd lost inches…
  • The first week I started drinking green tea 2/3 times a day I lost 3lb & that was with a nights drinking and a birthday party party the next day where I ate 2 deserts. Imagine what I would have lost if I hadnt of had a bad weekend!
  • I like it - very filling. I made it as a breakfast cereal at wkend - half a mug of quinoa drained. Boil a mug of millk in saucepan & add quinoa - cover for 10 min letting it simmer. Add half tsp of cinnamon & I added 2 tsp of agave nectar. simmer for another 2 mins then add a hanfdul of blueberries, Keeps for 3 days in…
  • The way I see it you can overeat on anything - healthy and unhealthy. I too have been shocked by my sugar content - my sugar comes from fruit, oar bars & some small packets of yogurt coated fruit. So Ive been cutting down on my fruit - limit it to 2 portions a day. I have one in the morning in my prtein shake smoothie then…
  • Definately a diet protein powder. Helps your muscles to repair after a workout meaning less pain the next day (hopefully!). I use PHD diet whey - contains CLA & green tea which helps fat loss and also flaxseed so its 'bitty' - I blend mine into a fruit smoothie with ice, banana / strawberries / bluberries, greek yogurt & a…
  • I have a protein smoothie every morning for breakfast: 2 scoops PHD diet strawberry protein powder chopped banana OR handful strawberries OR handful bluberries 2 tsp greek yogurt 5 ice cubes 1 pint water This fills me until lunch - I just have a couple of cups of green tea inbetween.
  • whole grain breads NOT wholemeal. Can I ask you why? I thought Ive been doing good by eating wholemeal?
  • I use maxitione sculptress diet protein shakes - caffeine free so can be taken anytime of day. They have CLA & Green Tea in them to help speed metabolism & lose weight. I I go to the gym in the morning a strawberry one is my breakfast. I use it as a meal replacement ie I had a bagel with scrambled eggs & salmon this…
  • I love breakfast! I generally eat one of the following: protein shake porridge oats soaked overnight in a non fat yogurt heated in microwave for one minute then add lots of berries 1 slice wholemeal bread with scrambled eggs & mushrooms wholemeal bagel with poached eggs & salmon slice (more of a weekend dish) I find that…
  • My guess would be no - they have such high levels of protein. IE taking 2 shakes a day with healthy dinners I am over my recommended protein intake through MFP. I can only imagine for a child the recommended protein allowance would be a lot less. Maybe half a portion once a week or something as a treat.