david1956 Member


  • Usually 7 days, I guess averaging it out ... a bit over an hour a day. Legs / Chest / Back / Shoulders-Arms one day each Usually one of them a second time (most often chest because it's my weakness) Boxing one day Cardio/abs-only one day Sometimes I whizz back to gym in the evening for a short cardio/abs catch-up…
  • Not quite techno but similar, after taking my son's ipod to the gym when mine was flat, I discovered psy and trance stuff is really good. Sometimes on a elliptical or whatever I'll realise I've had my eyes shut in my own world for almost the whole workout.
  • I am a bit lucky in that I am self-employed and work contract from home so I have a wee bit of latitude in the length of my lunch hour. And my gym is only about 5 mins drive away. So I do my weight training program at lunch time. Ironically some of the most torturous weight programs I do are only about 45 mins long. Right…
  • I tend to agree with this, but I think people do press-ups in one of two ways, but to a casual observer you might not pick up the difference. I try NOT to work my arms doing pressups, mainly because they are usually part of bench-press/pressup supersets, and the way to isolate your chest is to keep your shoulder-blades…
    in My arms Comment by david1956 August 2010
  • I prefer free weights because it makes all the stabilising muscles work, but there are some good exercises that are really difficult to do with free weights. For example, I sometimes do drop sets of shoulder presses on a machine, doing about 10 reps to failure, quickly moving the pin one weight lighter, go to failure, move…
  • I'm a kiwi and we call them capsicums too. They're the hollow kind of ummm.. succulent peppers, not hot chili peppers, usually green or red or yellow. These..
  • Hallelujah, preach it sister. I've just started wising up, and at last those hard-to-lose pounds (surprise surpise, stomach and chest) are starting to shrink. Fast, after months of hard very intense training and a pretty good diet but being frustrated at what isn't so obvious to other people when it's concealed under a gym…
  • The guy in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF69K6awJh8 has pretty good form. The biggie is to maintain a straight back, looking continually ahead. And the bar should remain very close to your legs, in fact a good practice to learn it slowly is to let it actually brush down your thighs and then shin. The feeling…
  • The dramatic effects of aspartamine can be seen more clearly if we compare that "after aspartamine" photo up there with his "before" photo...
  • Pffft. More likely genes. If your grand-dad's neck fell off and his father's before him, your neck will probably fall off. Nothing to with what you drink.
  • Ok, research this and don't take my word for it. My "hard to lose" last pounds on my stomach are starting to shrink at long last after plateauing, and it is since I did changd one thing... I now use organic non-hydrogenated coconut oil for all of my cooking, such as stirfries etc (rather than processed oils). Coconut oil…
  • My understanding of it is that other researchers who later did exhaustive analysis on the data found major flaws in the research methodologies that had been used. For example the "western" diets that were high in animal foods had other consistent features which, when the data was fully analysed, seemed to contribute far…
  • Certain aspects of those three examples you've given, are not what I'd recommend. Let's forget for a moment extremely advanced body building and think something more realistic for a typical person. You mention for example "...focusing on one muscle part (i.e. bicep day, tricep day)". Devoting whole days to just biceps or…
  • There's some stuff in this comment that I wholeheartedly agree with and relate to pet peeves of mine. It mentions "genetic potential". I think that this is something that people totally lose sight of, that they will always be genetically who they are, full stop. And that by adopting healthy diet and exercise habits they…
  • I think from observation that it is simple where the "burning muscle" myth comes from. Most guys, or at least younger ones, in a gym want to increase size. And, except perhaps for ectomorphs, it is pretty simple to eat a certain way, push some weights, and superficially bulk up. So, many then deliberately avoid any real…
  • I've always had relatively big arms (muscular big looking) and recently I have lost a little diameter off them. They definitely are stronger but losing that "fat muscley" look. Just me personally, I think the best way to get toned is non-stop intense weight sessions that therefore by their nature cannot employ heavy…
  • I agree 100% with a couple of specifics in this comment (incidentally, I also "lucked out"). 1. Ideally a relationship of trust develops. It is mutual. I have a great deal of respect for my trainer, and his g'friend recently told me that he loves training me because of my level of motivation. I guess we both share my…
  • One thing about doing longer and longer cardio sessions involving one type of activity is that in terms of fitness it can become a case of diminishing returns, due to our body becoming more and more efficient. So running for hours on a treadmill is great if you are training for distance running, as your objective IS for…
  • Good God, you met a Kiwi male like that!!!??? Joking. Hopefully my son (at uni in your home town) has those same attributes you describe.
  • Not as a total solution (because there simply is no one easy answer) rather part of the strategy, I quite like the concept of campaigns aimed at general lifestyle and health. I know that most countries have probably done similar, but am example here in New Zealand is a "Push Play" advertising campaign promoting the idea…
  • Not sure. But I often dream about someone if I haven't even thought about them for ages but then their name comes up in passing or during the day. I wonder if that's that stuff buried deep in my subconscious is brought to the surface by the mention of them or something. Oddly, I very very seldom dream about the people…
  • I eat a lot of stir-fries, in fact I often crave them after workouts. My supermarket has bags of pre-chopped veges (lots of variety, almost exactly what I'd tend to use myself anyway) and it works out way cheaper than buying individual items. Eating alone a bag is two big meals, along with chicken or beef-strips. Two days…
  • Not so much housework, but often when I'm say cooking, maybe waiting for something to heat up, I snatch the moments to practise boxing combinations. Interestingly, I find that when I am in the habit of doing this I tend to be much more fluid when it comes to an actual training session. It's visualisation as much as…
  • There are a few fem. body-types that to me are extra sexy, but they all have one thing on common... healthy looking. So that could be a very wirey toned woman perhaps more into endurance sports, or someone who genetically is more stocky muscular. Or 'curvy' but fit and healthy. It's an overall picture of strong and…
  • I totally agree that no matter how "gym fit" one gets, it's often this kind of thing that really gets one's cardio vascular system going like no other. Rocks, sacks of sand.. lots of different objects that can be used for, for example, carrying over one's head back and forwards the length of a section or whatever. Your…
  • Lot's of them, but I bever realise it's local till other people look perplexed. Women are "sheilas" (originally Aussie I think) like "Hey mate, check out that sheila over there!" We call almost everyone mate, like when I meet up with my gym partner later I'll almost certainly say "Hey mate, how's it going?" A "bloke" is…
  • The chest/triceps day, back/biceps day is I think based on the notion that you "finish off' the smaller muscle groups that have pre-exhausted from the bigger groups. So after chest (which will to some extent work triceps) you do triceps... then on your back day (which will begin to work biceps) you finish off your biceps.…
  • I notice a lot of references to "calories" on this thread, and for some people I wonder if that is a very good motivator? I love the gym but I have never once given any thought whatsoever as to whether it burns one calorie or a thousand. For me, weight training is the aspect I enjoy most for the very tangible result of…
  • Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow." ~ Mary Anne Radmacher
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