ErikaWhitten Member


  • So it has been a couple weeks and I have lost about 7 to 8 lbs and I watch the calories of everything I put in my mouth and try to stay under my daily calorie intake every day. I sill eat some things I like but like everyone here said, I just do it in moderation. I drink Carnation Breakfast Nutrition Drink for breakfast…
  • Thanks for the advice about MrsSchimmy! This is awesome!
  • Was doing great then my boss bought everyone ice cream bars lol
  • Ooooooooo that looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!
  • This is all so great! I'll definitely check out some of the stuff you recommended all and I feel a lot better about the free weights. They have always seemed kind of intimidating to me (I'm sure that sounds incredibly weird lol) but not as much now!
  • I sure hope so! Thanks for the advice so far all!
  • I have tried diet root beer and didn't like it at all. Had a horrible after taste too lol I have been taking it slow at the gym these first few days too. Going to get a routine in place and then build up to more of this and that.
  • Thanks for all of the comments all! I have tried moderation and cutting down and it just DOES NOT WORK for me. It seems that these never last at all and I just go with the "just one more" or "just a little more" type thing and I just end up giving up. So i'm trying to just abstain from drinking pop and eating terribly…