fabulis1 Member


  • He works plus owns his own business and that leaves me (pretty much) a single mom. I also manage my son's travel baseball team and coach my daughter in her clog dance competitions. My husband helps at every baseball game and practice, he also helps the farmer neighbor every day before and after work, so he's doing his fair…
  • One more thing, it really makes me feel bad when I log in and find everyone else burning an amazing amount of calories! It makes me feel seriously inadequate!
  • My mom has quit smoking for about a year. She started when she was 7 years old, no lie. She's not 55. She didn't gain a pound. In fact, she lost weight. How: make a plan for yourself BEFORE you quit smoking. What are you going to replace your smoking time with? What will be your new thing to relax? What will you focus on…
  • Switch the wheat flour with almond flour and you got yourself a low carb and gluten free snack!
  • Thank you! I think I am going to have to buck up and do both since they both have amazing benefits and both will get me to my goal faster. I need a good Heart Rate Monitor--do you know of any good ones?
  • you guys and gals are amazing! Those are all great ideas! If you don't mind me asking another question: what do you put in protein smoothies? I like to make a banana strawberry smoothie at home, but very high in carbs.
  • I just did this exercise this morning. These DVDs are fabulous. The time goes quick. I think they're worth the money! fab
  • very good advice EkZ13. I used the calculators on this site to find out how many calories a day I should be consuming based on current weight (257) and goal weight of 175 and muscular. Right now light activity for the next couple of weeks getting back into weight lifting and adding some cardio to burn fat. Once I've…
  • Small goals are easier to conquor. That's how I'm doing it! If I can take 5 pounds at a time, it looks more managable than 70. If I start by taking the stairs every day rather than sign up for a 2 hour spin class, it's something I'm more likely to stick with. When I dive into an eating or exercise plan with a do or die…
  • I will have proven to myself that anything is possible. And being sexy is just a bonus! :blushing:
  • Thank you! My family and I hunt and fish regularly. It's something I enjoy doing. I get a lot of flack from guys because they don't think women should hunt, but I really enjoy it! Right now is muzzleloader in our area. The deer haven't been moving too much, but one more week to score!
  • HI there! Is this group open to women who hunt? I tried to be a member of a different hunting group and it was only for guys.... Thanks!
  • hi everyone. I started just a few days about and am spending today and tomorrow planning for a very positive and healthy week. i'm looking for all the support and friends I can get so we can help each other along and stay on the right course!
  • I've never heard of the Free Flexor. Must look that one up! You're all amazing! Thank you! :wink:
  • You all are awesome! Thank you so much! Great advice...sorry for the two posts. I thought I could reply to each on individually....
  • Great advice! I hate cardio, but I think I'm going to have to buck up and find something I like. I used to do kickboxing, so maybe I can find classes around my area. At least that's something I'm interested in. Take care and thank you for your time!!!