MissDana1105 Member


  • I drink About Time whey protein. It's supposed to be one of the cleanest ones out there. I think because of that is why I can take it. I generally gag on most whey proteins and can't get them down. No problem with this brand. Great flavors too. Birthday Cake is probably my favorite but the vanilla tastes just like a shake…
  • It gets your metabolism going, which is something we all want when we want to lose weight! I would still suggest eating breakfast, maybe something heavier if you can. Oatmeal, a banana and a protein?
  • Wallet. Even though right now I'm settling on the other, hehe. I would rather never speak again than say everything I thought. I'd rather have a bunch of kids than none (would work well with the fat wallet ;) And I'd rather have the jealous super passionate boyfriend And I can't think of a good question.
  • Wait, theres an end to belly buttons? It's not an everlasting hole?
  • Finding something low cal to munch on while stressed or depressed is the wrong answer. You need to work through those feelings not try and cover them up or ignore them otherwise the problem doesn't go away. I don't know your story but it may be a contributing factor to your size and if you don't fix it you aren't going to…
  • I like the turkey burger idea. How is the chicken breast after its been frozen? I heard anything that isn't ground doesn't hold up too well. I make chicken in the crockpot usually once a week and shredded it, it would be awesome it that would freeze well. I've been wanting to egg/veggie muffins though, thanks for reminding…
  • I thought most packs of bacon usually provided cooked facts vs uncooked? I buy the center cut and I think its 70 calories for 2 slices (the slices are smaller than normal bacon slices).
  • Bump I'm going to have to try this on my next days off.
  • I would make chicken tacos, cook a corn tortilla in 1 tsp (or even 1/2 a tsp) canola oil, brown on both sides, heat up chicken, assemble tacos with meat and veggies, hot sauce (love love love cholula) and a lowfat cheese. I had this for dinner tonight from some chicken I made in the crockpot and shredded.
  • I have no idea other than grilling just basic chicken and beef... My in laws got us one for Christmas and I really have no idea what to do with it.
  • You can make brownies with a can of pumpkin too! Add a bit of nutrition (and fiber). Works well with brownies and there is no funky pumpkin taste.
  • This is obviously a tricky questions. I say play with it, if you can eat your 1600 calories a day and still lose weight at a healthy pace then go for it! But if you aren't losing either cut back or up your work out. It's whatever works for you, you have to play around a little bit to learn what works. Something to think…
  • I'm a Police Dispatcher/911 Operator. I also make hair bows and other items that I sell on Etsy.
  • Feel awesome in my own skin :) I can't wait for that one. I can't wait to not worry about kids looking at me and thinking I'm huge, my nephew not thinking I'm fat (kids are brutually honest aren't they?) basically not feeling like people only see my size. Buy new clothes, stuff that I think is cute and in style, not…
  • I think its a good place to start. When I did the C25K years ago I started it on the threadmill and eventually wanted to start doing it outside the only problem was it was a huge set back when I went outside because of the inclines and curves and everything, I felt like I was starting over.
  • I don't like working out with my fiance, we used to run together (a few years ago when I was starting to run...) and he would try and be helpful and tell me to do this or do that because its proper form and better for me but it ended up just annoying me. I have a stationary bike at home and I don't like when he comes in…
  • I work 12 hour shifts, 6pm to 6am. I log from when I wake up until when I go to bed. I will be doing my workout when I get off technically Sunday morning, but will log it on Saturday. Now on my days off I keep the same hours, no kids or anything I really have to get up for so I don't mess with it. There was a time when my…
  • I don't care for Full fat milk but I drink 1 or 2%. I eat wheat breat though, it's been a habit for a long time, unless I have a specialty bread then its normally white bread. I eat white rice all the time, I used to like brown rice but my fiance hated it so it's been so long since I've had it I don't really like it…
  • I weight mine cooked, I don't eat it raw so why would I count it as raw? Also generally boneless skinless chicken breasts are about 12 oz each, I'm not gonna cut everything up and then cook it so I can get the proper serving size. You can always find the nutrition info out there even if its not on mfp. Thats the way I see…
  • Mmm I think I might try something similar with greek yogurt and a banana (no extra sugar) and then maybe freezer it later for dessert ;)
  • I make a big pot of chili and freeze them in 1 cup tupperware containters. Pretty low in calories plus I get some veggies in. Easy to grab and go similar to frozen meals. White Chicken Chili and regular tomato/beef (or turkey!) chili works well. I will usually make some plain chicken breasts in my crockpot and shredded it…
  • Bump, anyone else need someone to motivate them? I need to lose about 150 or so.
  • Oops the point of this post was boredem eating. I work 12 hour night shifts with a snack bar like 5 feet from me, its hard to avoid tempation. I will usually have something healthy to snack on, a bowl of grapes usually works well for me. What about carrots or other veggies? Generally pretty low. Anytime I want something…
  • Do you have access to a tv or any work out equipment? Maybe try something short, I've been doing the 30 Day Shred and its only about 25 minutes from beginning to end with warm up and cool down. If you get a call when you're doing it you could just pause it, jump into your uniform and go? I know firefighters are always…
  • "Glamorous" - Fergie I'm not normally a Fergie/Black eyed peas fan but this song makes me want to run! "Eye of the Tiger" Theres more but thats all I can think of at the moment.
  • AWESOME! If my feet ever start to get better I am going to start running again. Congrats!
  • Get custom inserts, it is heaven. I could barely walk through the grocery store without my feet killing me and now I can do a whole lot more and I think my feet are actually getting better because of the inserts. Your feet will only get worse if you just try and baby them. Since you don't have insurance I would say try and…
  • I was going to post the same thread right now! Exact same title, lol. I'm 306 right now and am on day 5 (or will be later). It's hard on my knees and I'm a little worried about it but have just been taking it easy on them modifying the exercises. I have the hardest time on the jumping jacks with the jump rope as a close…
  • It's kinda hard to up your intensity from insanity, lol. What about the new one by Shaun T? The Asylum
  • Put boneless, skinless, trimmed chicken breasts in a crockpot cover with water or stock. Cook on high 2-3 hours or on low 4-5 hours (too long and it will be mushy). Take out and shred. I do this in the beginning of the week and and have the chicken for all kinds of recipes. I use the shredded chicken for chicken tacos,…