Srbaby32 Member


  • that's just one of the things that people don't take into consideration when they eat out or when they buy those box meals. People always consider low-cal or low fat healthier for you, but they don't think about other things like sodium. I was floored by how much sodium (and of course, calories) are in those restaurant…
  • same here my friends. I've been hovering around 200 for a while now. I just can't get and stay under it!
  • I'm in! I'd be thrilled to lose 50 by then, but I'd be happy just to lose 30 :). Plus bathing suit time *cringe*. :(
  • You know I had noticed that same thing! I've also noticed it when I was doing slim fast. I don't know if it's what they put into those bars that make them that way, no clue. It's especially NOT a good thing if you're going to the gym and trying to hold it in.. just saying. lol
  • I am with you! I've constantly struggled with the up and down parts of dieting. I have several good weeks, then one day can change it all. It's amazing what one little candy bar can do to you. I know how you feel about the pictures, it's so easy to think everything is fine until you see it for yourself. You have my support!