starting over... need motivation and prayer

mcspears22 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, i joined last year and used it religiously 2 months (lost 20 lbs) until my vacation in June- which broke my routine. I stopped for a week and just couldn't get back. I thought I was fine until I saw the New Year's pics my BFF put up. Didn't realize how much weight I gained back plus added on! I got comfortable and nobody told me I was gaining weight. And you know the fiance isnt going to say anything.... He waits till I have a meltdown when trying on wedding dresses and realize that I cant fit into "my size". So I logged on again and noticed that my bridesmaid started up again too. And she's looking great in only 2 weeks. Yesterday I logged my food intake and didnt realize how much I was actually taking in- 350 cal over. Good googly moogly! I'm a southern gal who loves to cook. I need help.


  • hope39
    hope39 Posts: 19
    Oh my goodness. Your post worries me. I am worried that the same thing is going to happen to me. I leave for vacation in a few days :frown:
    I found this site and thought it was good to helped me.
  • Welcome back!! You know what you have to do and you can stick with it. You have my support!
  • aeagles
    aeagles Posts: 13 Member
    if you did it before, you can do it again!!! i'll send up some prayers for you!
  • :smile: thanks! this helps
  • There are apps for your phone you can download that tell you how many calories, fat etc are in restaurant food. (McDonald's big mac, Subway tuna sub 12" etc) You might want to download one for your phone and look up the nutrition info in the food before you even get to the place to eat. It's possible to vacation and not pile on the pounds. I have Myfitnesspal on my PC and on my phone just in case. While you vacation, if possible, walk to places instead of driving if possible. You will get excersise and see more. Some hotels offer a small gym. Use it at the end of the day or in the morning. If the hotel has a pool take advantage of it. 32 laps in a good size pool like at my gym equals a half a mile.

    Good luck to you.
  • LauraKB
    LauraKB Posts: 26 Member
    You can totally do it! Start again and don't look back!!!
  • Srbaby32
    Srbaby32 Posts: 6 Member
    I am with you! I've constantly struggled with the up and down parts of dieting. I have several good weeks, then one day can change it all. It's amazing what one little candy bar can do to you. I know how you feel about the pictures, it's so easy to think everything is fine until you see it for yourself. You have my support!
  • Add me as a friend! We can motivate each other
  • ohh yes ma'am you know I am here for you i go to work out everyday in the gym where we work you are welcome to join me as my you and glad that you are back on track!!!
  • Its ok, we've all been there. Get up and when you mentioned prayer, I suggest Psalms 73:23....I am with you take advice to from your friends and hit the gym....drink lots of water......and eat eat eat (the right stuff) and count your points.
    Keep us posted.
  • Prayers for both you & hope39, mcspears22. Especially on vacation, just try to be a little more conscious of your calorie intake & make sure to drink plenty of water. I've always struggled with my weight. All my family members are heavy & I've tried not to get to the point some of them are at now (sisters at 300 lbs - I've stayed around 200). Once I get in the exercise frame of mind, I can get it down to 150. My problem is getting it lower & keeping it there. Just take it slow & don't expect results instanteously. The weight didn't get there in a day, so it's not going to come off in a day. I love walking/jogging most of the time but on days I can't get outside, I'm on the wii fit & wii active. Thankful to have a great hubby & great friends to come with me to keep me company & motivated. That's always a BIG help. Best wishes to both of you ladies! mb:D
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I lost something like 30 pounds right before my wedding, and then gained about 20 back over the next year. I was so angry at myself for letting myself get out of shape and unhealthy again! I know how it feels to have to start over, but I know you can get back on track. Good luck! I'm glad you have a great bridesmaid who is there for you. Oh, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • Thanks ladies! Every little bit helps!
  • At least you are back and trying again...way to go and good luck:wink:
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