Trying to lose 30 + lbs by June- who in?



  • jae351
    jae351 Posts: 7
    Count me in too!!

    I'm new to this website and am looking forward watching my progress. My REAL goal is to feel better about myself but my weight loss goal is to lose 80#! Probably not by June but I'd like to be well on my way by then!
  • vagrant_ed
    vagrant_ed Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined. Going to graduate college at the beginning of May and I want to look as good (if not better than) what I looked like in high school.
  • funkiestginger
    funkiestginger Posts: 2 Member
    i'm definately in - have lost 9lb before joining MFP yesterday. I'd love to lose 30lb by June, hopefully more!! I turn 30 in June so want to look hot! and get married in October so have a total of 60lb to lose. EEK!
  • Carolyn204
    Carolyn204 Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in too! My daughter is graduating from High School Memorial Day weekend, and I would love to be 30 lbs lighter by then!
  • reemg
    reemg Posts: 7
    oh me too! that's a great goal. i'm a college student and i want to start the summer off on a high note!
  • Srbaby32
    Srbaby32 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! I'd be thrilled to lose 50 by then, but I'd be happy just to lose 30 :). Plus bathing suit time *cringe*. :(
  • Thanks everyone for joining me! Could you please add me, it will only allow 5 people every 10 minutes and as you can tell there are way more than 5 of you lol. It would just make it easier on me. I am happy that so many people are on board! I am going to try and think of different ways to keep us all motivated! I can't not wait to lose this weight! to me 30 by June owuld be wonderful even thought my long term goal is around 85. I wish you all the best of luck! Just remember you can do this!!
  • bouncybobbie2011
    bouncybobbie2011 Posts: 14 Member
  • angelbabe77
    angelbabe77 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in I need motivation :)
  • I'm in! :flowerforyou:
  • aloa318
    aloa318 Posts: 19 Member
    In in! I would like to lose 40+ pounds by June.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I am definitely in!! By year end I am hoping to lose 60 lbs!! :happy:
  • I am in... My birthday is April 1st and my goal is to have lost 30 by then....a stretch I am sure, I have lost 4 so far and by June a total of 40lbs gone!! Yahoo!!!!!
  • I am definitely IN! I want to lose this by summer time so I'm lookin' good in my suit! Best of luck everyone! I will gladly give encouragement and feel free to add me as your friend! :)
  • I am in and need some serious motivation to work out. I went from playing sports my entire life to not a whole lot going on except Mommy-hood, full-time job, and housework.

    Any tips??
  • lacie2010
    lacie2010 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in 30lbs would be awesome.
  • jcsalsa
    jcsalsa Posts: 25
    I m in to lose the weight I have my daugthers Quinceanera in June. I am just having a hard time with calories. I think i am eating the right things but not sure of myself.
  • Im so in... I have my wedding June 23rd, 2011 in Puerta Vallarta Mexico. One year ago I quit smoking.. well then I gained 20 pounds.. right in time to start planning my wedding.. No motivation to lose at first.. Now I joined a gym and on my way to at least feel somewhat comfortable in a bathing suit by June... I would love to lose at least the non- smoking weight but would love to lose more
  • weirdmommy
    weirdmommy Posts: 25 Member
    I'm new to this...and would love the support ...I've lost 7...and i'm ready for 30!!!! (well lots more then 30...but I'll take it)
  • syl312
    syl312 Posts: 31 Member
    I'M in.. WE CAN DO THIS!! :D
    I was just calculating my calendar with GOAL dates!! and I want to lose 40 by JUNE
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