emilymaya16 Member


  • Start Date: 4th Jan 2017 Starting weight: 144 Last week: 140 Weekly weigh in: 140 March Goal weight: 132 Overall Goal Weight: 126 No change from last week but feeling energised and active. I've stuck to my goals and exercise well so I'm not disheartened by a none mover on the scale this week as I know if I stick at it then…
  • I know this feeling! I used to be obsessed with the scale, but in one week I find it varies dramatically day to day, and also depending on the time of day, weight of clothing, what I've been doing before I weighed! So now I only do an official weigh in once a week, occasionally I'll weigh once or twice mid week on the gym…
  • Had a great week, I had a cheeky weight check this morning (I'm not officially weighing in till Sunday) and am happy to say my weight has not changed since last week, I was a bit worried as I went away last weekend and it was a bit of a food and drink excess! I had a fantastic time though and that is most definitely what…
  • I'm down 4lbs since new year! Feeling very positive as I wasn't expecting to be able to lose so much so easily, normally the pounds cling on for dear life. I'm going away with friends this weekend so I can't stick to my food plan but we will be going for a big long walk along the coast and I will just have to make…
  • Over the last week or so I've had: Chicken and crispy veg stirfry with chilli, ginger and lime with brown rice Marinated tandoori chicken with brown rice, yoghurt and mint dip and rocket salad Salmon, brown rice with red pesto, spinach and grilled veg Salmon with roasted sweet potato and med veg with greek yoghurt dip…
  • 31st is great for me! I'm feeling very positive, think this time might actually be the one I reach my goal at last! I've been so close before but never stick at it, but I'm excited this is the one! I'm doing really well with food and I'm loving my new gym, been twice in 3 days and I'm going again today. I'm away visiting a…
  • Checking in, down 1lb so far! Just 17 more to go... But must think baby steps! I only started on Wednesday so I'm surprised I'm down anything at all. I joined a new gym today and its so nice! Had a work out today, think I'm going to try their bodypump class tomorrow evening and maybe a swim the day after. I'm so glad I've…
  • Woop first weigh in! It's only been a half week for me as I only started on Wednesday, but surprised and very pleased I've still made progress! I joined a new gym today (I hated my old one so much and just never went!) so hopefully now that I'm starting regular exercise I'll make even more progress! Start Date: 4th Jan…
  • My 6 week goal is to lose 6lbs! I'm aiming for 1lb a week loss until I'm pretty much at goal, I've got 18lbs to lose all together. I'm prelogging food on mfp as it helps me to plan and motivates me not to reach for extra snacks! 1100-1300 calories, + extra on exercise days, which should be 3-4 days a week. Em x
  • Sounds like you're doing well, keep working through the shoulder but don't push yourself too hard you need time to recover! Maybe meditation just isn't for you? I certainly can't do it! I find my mine wanders far too easily and I start over thinking things. Are you doing meditation just for stress relief? If so maybe see…
  • I think I might have somehow typed your opening post... I also fell off the wagon in the summer during and following a very stressful exam period, then I was away for 9 weeks and never got back to being healthy once I got back, now here I am 6 months later almost back to where I started 4 years ago and full of regret! If…
  • How's progress going for everyone? So far I've stuck to my food plan with no cheating! I'm finding that pre logging my food means I'm much less likely to eat something else as I know that the food I've planned on mfp fits my calorie constraints and macro % I'm struggling with motivation to go exercise, I quit the gym as it…
  • Keen to join you guys, my 25th birthday is in March so this is ideal for me. My ultimate I have to be at my goal weight date is June 9th as this is my graduation ball weekend and I want to look and feel incredible! Sticking to a healthy 1100-1400 calorie intake, exercise 3-4 times per week and stay focused. I started on…
  • Mines open :smile: I've only started logging again recently after a break, also I tend to plan my food out using mfp as it helps me stick to my calorie goals and prepare food to avoid grabbing something quick and unhealthy! So if you look on a Sunday night the whole of the next week should be prelogged.
  • I have a new found love of salad after buying Salad Love from amazon, it's a great book that's completely revolutionised my lunches and I am now obsessed with making new leafy and fruity creations. Before I bought it I had Greek salad or chicken salad as my go too lunches and rapidly got bored but not any more! Would fully…
  • Hey everyone! I'm Emily, 24 years old, in my final year as a student! I'm 5'5'' and currently 144lbs. At my heaviest I was 158lbs, I managed to drop to 130lbs about 18 months ago, I looked and felt better and healthier than I have in my whole life so I've decided to make this my goal. Ideally I'm aiming to achieve this by…
  • Hey guys! I've managed to keep well within my cutting calories so far so I'm feeling proud of myself! Went to the gym yesterday for a short 20 min cardio and then 20 mins weight training at home with my yoga mat and free weights as I hate doing floor work and free weights in front of people! Rest day on exercise today but…
  • I'll join you! I've gained a few pounds back over this year due to general stress and life getting in the way of sticking to being healthy! My long term goal is to get back down to about 130lbs, but for now I'll settle with a lb a week. I'm not actually sure how much I weigh right now (I think around 140), so I'm going to…
  • St Patricks day is my birthday! I'm hoping to lose 4 lbs by then, I've got 7lbs to go until goal weight so it's coming off very slowly! Even 4 might be a bit ambitious! Start wait 157, current weight 135, goal weight 131 Goals are to do some form of intensive exercise every day, eat less than 1300 calories 6 days per week…
  • So how's everyone doing?
  • I'd love to join you guys! I'm 22 and studying at University in the UK :) I'm down 22lbs with 9lbs to go, aiming for 126 lbs! Em xx
  • My goal is to drink enough water and have at least 1 smoothie per day!
  • I'm Emily :) 22, I'm a med student in leeds UK. I lose 22 lbs a couple of years ago and am determined to lose the last few more to get to my original goal! I'm currently 135lb and hoping to hit 126lbs. Currently i'm having smoothies, shakes or salads for breakfast and lunch with healthy veg stick or cheese and rye crisp…
  • I am so keen to join if theres space still!!
  • Hey! I will try to weigh in asap. I've been hiking in Wales all weekends and have only just got back, I've just had dinner so i don't think weighing in right now would be the best idea! Will try get to a scale tomorrow! Xx
  • Count me in too!
  • I agree that planning your meals in advance really helps! You kind of know yourself how full you're likely to feel after eating a sandwich or a bowl of cereal or something so you can really plan your food out and spread it out throughout the day and feel confident at the end that if you stick to what you planned then…
  • I'm in! I'm not sure I'll manage 10 as I'm one of those people who only has to look at a cake to gain the weight, but when it comes to losing it just doesn't shift! I'm also on my last 12lbs before my ultimate ideal weight so I know these are going to be hard to shift! I'll join in for motivation support and fun chats but…
  • Sw: 157 Cw: 138 Gw this month: 133 Gw: 126 I'm most thankful for my new found confidence! I can now go out at night with a tiny dress and heels and feel amazing instead of worrying about my wobbly bits!
  • Count me in! 12lbs to my ultimate goal and I reallyyyyy need to get there by the 14th March! Em xx