

  • Be careful adding fibre, if you aren't drinking enough water, your constipation will get worse.
  • Thanks guys! These are great tips! There aren't very many healthy (or cheap) options on campus, so I end up eating alot of subs, but the bread doesn't agree with my waistline!
  • You should join Pinterest! There is a fitness section that has lots of motivational pictures/articles/quotes. (I also find loads of other great things on there.... tips and tricks, recipes, beauty advice ect)
  • Have you tried swimming and/or aqua exercise classes? I've been told that water exercises are suppose to be the lowest impact. Or maybe the pilates resitance bands? Those doen't require weight and you have complete control on the amount of resistance. You should deffinately enlist the help of physio and/or specialized…
  • Before my reduction, I was an Icup and had found a fantastic sports bra at Sears/The Bay that was meant for horseback riding. (Sorry Ladies, I don't remember the brand). Now that I am a DDcup I love the Ta Ta Tamer at Lululemon. :D
  • I hope your doctor gave you some answers! I am also a student and I find that if I am really stressed, I notice my hair thins out really bad. I find a Vitamin B complex (pick one higher in biotin) and keeping a steady amount of healthy protein in my diet helps. Good Luck!
  • Have you seen Rick Gallop's GI Diet books? He categorizes foods as Red (dont' touch), Yellow (occasional) and Green (eat as much as you want). I found it very helpful. It also made things easy for my ex to understand (that way he wasn't offering me any Red foods lol)
    in Low GI Comment by DeserveIt April 2012
  • Brush your teeth... sugar afterwards is gross!
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