chelseyyy90 Member


  • I am starting it today! Never been a runner but definitely looking forward to becoming one :)
  • I absolutely LOVE zumba. I started it a few months ago and used to stand in the back because I didnt want everybody to see me dancing but now im up front and know all the routines. Zumba gave me a lot of confidence that I was lacking. It definitely is a good and fun work out. The instructor can make or break the class…
  • I started the 30 day shred today and just finished day 1. I am looking forward to seeing the results at day 30! My arms feel like jello so i'm taking that as a good sign :) Feel free to add me.
  • I would say maybe about a 4 or 5, Once I get to my goal weight possibly a 7.
  • I absolutely love zumba!! I started it a few months ago and have become addicted to it. I agree that the instructor makes or breaks the class and luckily I have a very good one.
  • Hello, Welcome to MFP I just started on this website at the beginning of the week and have met a few very motivational people. I am also 21 and just recently started gaining back some weight. In middle school I was at my heaviest which was 180 and then got down to 140 in high school and then to my lowest of 129 at the…
  • I dont know if this will help but my brother is in the navy and his recruiter always told him to eat a banana before running long distances or doing an intense workout because it would help with the cramping. Hope that helps!