

  • My problem isn't just the numbers. It's the actually activity. Even now I'm struggling NOT to input my stuff. I know I'm having an obsessive-compulsive moment and while it is good to log my info, I feel like if I do I'll be giving in to the compulsion. It's kind of like a smoker giving into a craving for a cigarette.…
  • One of my main problems is that I used to have severe OCD. I still have OCD, but it's not as debilitating as it used to be. Doing all this whole dieting thing is threatening to put me back in the 'severe' category. I feel the same sensations of NEEDING to measure my food and NEEDING to log stuff in and NEEDING to exercise…
  • Another thing I'm confused about - Should I be eating 500 calories less than I'm SUPPOSED to be eating, or 500 less than I NORMALLY eat? I've been trying to eat more because other people have told me I need to up my calorie intake (especially when I'm exercising)...so yeah..confused.
  • Ahh. That makes sense. I didn't think about stuff I do normally burning calories XD; Is it necessary to factor in everyday activity into the exercise log? It seems like it would be tedious...some stuff I do... like playing with the cat for 2 minutes or getting the random urge to jump up and down while going "la la la la la…
  • Thanks again for the replies. I would like to know where everyone is getting there information though...personal experience? certain sites? books? If it's anything like the last two...could you give me specifics? Also...I'm still not sure my question was answered @_@ So I'll try asking it another way. How do I burn more…
  • Originally MFP put me at 1200 calories a day, which everyone told me was too little. So I got some advice and changed it. I calculated my TDEE and it gave me 2410...so I don't know how the other person came up with 1780. If I subtract 500 from that it would be 1910 @_@; Than again...I also wanted to know what to do for…
  • Thanks for the replies. It's just so stressful trying to figure this all out, and I know that isn't healthy at all. About the calories in vs. calories out....that confuses me a bit. I was told I should eat 1780 calories on days I work out at and least my BMR (1562) on days I don't. So does this mean I need to find a way to…
  • Unless it's a miracle, then no.
  • oops. double post.
  • Still don't have much of an appetite...'cept for this morning when I had a sudden powerful sugar craving. *sigh* I was hoping to get some $ for Christmas to pay for a visit to the doctor...but for some unexplained reason everyone is sending me actual gifts this year ><
  • Once again I had to force myself to eat today....made two eggs and two pieces of wheat toast and got full before I even started in on the second egg (and I only had half a piece of toast). I managed to finish the other egg and almost all the toast, but I was already so full that it just made me feel sick. I didn't throw up…
  • It doesn't sound rude at all. Think of it this way - you can get a burger at McDonalds for a dollar. I can't say how much off the top of my head how much 1/4 of beef costs, but I'd wager it's more. My family just goes for the cheapest option, even if it isn't the healthiest. Really, there isn't a huge budget for food in my…
  • Actually....no. My family usually ops to get fast food =P Last meal they did cook contained fried chicken, cheesy potatoes, and mac & cheese...not exactly a healthy, balanced meal IMHO. I almost have to fight to get something green on a plate. Thanks for the advice so far, everyone! XXD
  • Oh! I forgot to mention - I had to have a root canal on my premolar (which turned out to be completely unnecessary because I have a fracture that the Dentist missed...) and so it's been difficult for me to eat. For a long time I was on a liquid diet or couldn't eat at all. Today I didn't eat anything until 4pm…
  • My sister has the same problem. The doctor diagnosed it as a problem with her ulnar nerve and she had to have surgery on it. I unfortunately have to report that they surgery did nothing to help the problem. I'm not saying surgery will always fail, but in my sister's case it did. So if it comes to that, be sure and do some…
  • I get colonics done. Very simple and easy. They're kind of like an internal massage for your colon. It's much gentler on your colon than laxatives are.
  • Yo! I'm definitely a geeky, nerdy, otaku-type person. I watch anime, read manga, listen to J/K/T/C-Pop/Rock/Rap/R&B/Etc..., play video games, and all that good stuff. I was even listening to some VOCALOID and Nico Nico music while running yesterday XD
  • Thanks for the advice, everyone ^^ It's been helpful. For the record - I don't mean to eat less than I should. It just...happens. I don't think eating less with make me lose weight.
  • How does the 'net' work, exactly? Also....I used to never ever feel full, no matter what/how much I ate. I could eat 3 whole meals and still not feel full. Lately though, I hardly get through half a meal before I feel full. @_@
  • My understanding with calories was that once I reached 12,000 calories I couldn't eat any more that day. Is this wrong? I've never done calorie counting before, so I really have no idea.
  • Most definitely not pregnant. Also not on my period. =)
  • Hey. Sorry, I didn't know my diary was set to private. I've changed it. I haven't been using it long, but hopefully the information I have will help some ^^;