

  • When starting out, I had to do my lunges with support. It kept me more upright and took a bit of the strain off my knees. I used the Quad machine at the gym because it has a large bar across the back and no one uses it.
  • I have been stuck at the same weight for months. Take your measurements! I have not been losing weight, but inches are coming off still. I've even started taking pictures (just sports bra and shorts) every few months. It has really helped me see the changes that aren't just numbers. But definitely check your measurements.…
  • I do. I am often on a trail or path at a park so I'm not worried about traffic. When I am running a race or somewhere I want to be more concerned about my surroundings, I either take out one of the earbuds or turn it down. I also don't have it very loud to begin with. I figure if I can still hear myself running (clothes…
  • I am loving this thread. Amazing motivation. Between having to dig out my photos and looking at the difference and seeing everyone else's amazing progress. Just outstanding.
  • I couldn't find anything good from last Christmas to compare to this Christmas so we are going a little bit back. This was me in September 2010. Just before I started MFP and working out. Dames for Dogs Sept 2010 by Nadine Boro, on Flickr And this was in October 2011 at my first bellydance performance. Belly Dance October…
  • I love Beats Antique, even though the music suits the Tribal styles much better. (you can even download their Collide album for free) I really enjoy Nancy Arjam's songs when we dance to them in class.
  • Hi, I'm Nadine and I've been taking Belly Dance classes for just a smidge over a year now. We do mostly Egyptian and Cabaret styles, but every now and then my teacher will show us some tribal moves. I just did my first performance for Halloween and I'm hooked. I'm hoping to do another one in December. yay!
  • Don't get discouraged. There is a distinct possibility you will eat something you shouldn't or go over your calories. It isn't the end of the world. Dieting is not a world of black and white. Have an off moment (or day) doesn't mean you are finished and should just quit. Enjoy the hell out of that cupcake and maybe eat…
  • My trainer says it is better to do longer workouts of at least an hour, longer if I can. I haven't done any more digging into if that is correct. But I know I feel like I've gotten more of a workout if I stay for an hour vs. half an hour.
  • That is a great article. Hopefully it will help a few people realize dieting isn't black and white, bad and good. Yes, cupcakes aren't good for an everyday snack. But once every few weeks or a month; your diet isn't over. You've just enjoyed the fruits (or sugars) of your labor. I'm actually a bit excited to realize I am…
  • Chinese food. I don't care if I gain 3-4 lbs of water weight back the next day. So tasty.
  • It is a great site and we are pretty much all here for the same reasons you are. :) this website is great for putting what you are eating into perspective.
  • That is so awesome! I started on here even heavier than you are now. It works, it really does. Be prepared for bumps in the road and some dissapointment. You have to have two mindsets. One should be focused on today. Eat healthy today. Workout today. But you also need to look at the big picture. There might be months where…
  • The 100 calorie packs are a great suggestion. I find that if I have things portioned out already I can talk myself out opening another pack. This works even for non-low calorie things. I.E. I'll buy the package of mini hershey bars. I don't feel guilty eating one, but if I go back to grab another I'll start feeling guilty…
  • This is very very good advice. I am trying hard not to obsess over the number on the scale. My weight went from a steady decrease to a slight gain and a plateu recently. it took a lot of effort to not freak out. But I took a few deep breaths and realized that I knew I felt stronger and my clothes were looser and changes…
  • That is amazing and an inspiration. Keep up the great work.
  • Emerald Nuts Cocoa Roasted Almonds. A good chocolatey taste for not a lot of calories. And a quarter of a cup is a pretty good serving size for me.