New here..ready for a lifestyle change and getting fit! I lo


My name is Samantha, I have let myself go and I am weighing 251lbs! I was 265 then started working out and eating healthy. I hadn't realized how much I had put on until my boyfriend and his nephew did a weightloss competion and he lost about 90lbs leaving me to be the fat girlfriend (even though he loves me no matter what size, but he wants me to be healthy because of all of the hertitary diseases in my family). I hadn't been on a scale in years and the last time I weighed I was 220 on the scale it said 265 my heart dropped and tears just poured down my checks. But now is my time to help myself for the better! To eat right and excercise and be healthy for once in my life. I am in it to win it :). My goal is to lose 90 to 100lbs. To stay fit and healthy for the rest of my life...I never want to go through this again.


  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    My goal is to lose 100lbs. I am past half way there. I started at 289lbs I am at 233lbs now.


    If you want a friend just add me.
    We are all in this together.

  • KnittingKnadine
    That is so awesome! I started on here even heavier than you are now. It works, it really does. Be prepared for bumps in the road and some dissapointment. You have to have two mindsets. One should be focused on today. Eat healthy today. Workout today. But you also need to look at the big picture. There might be months where nothing happens. The scale doesn't move or maybe goes up a bit. But it is then you need to focus on the end goal. Keep going, it will start going down again.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm on the same boat. My weight bobs up and down like a yo-yo. I finally pulled my head outta my butt when I almost hit 300. D:

    The key to this website it get a support system-PLENTY of friendly, sweet and encouraging people on here! I myself have such a hard time dedicating to anything, weightloss or not, but all my lovely friends on here help and encourage and root me on in my successes and my failures.

    Feel free to add me! You can do it!!! :D