

  • whats your sodium intake look like
  • If you've already ran 9 miles you could run a half marathon next week. Probably wouldn't be the best time and you might be super sore after, but you already have the foundation to run it. Just keep going and try to improve your mileage every other week or so. I'd look for a 10k or a 10 mile race somewhere to tune up or…
  • yeah shes pretty annoying .. like very annoying .. can't remeber anyone who has annoyed me more they should have made it the season of no complaints instead .. I'm tired of hearing her whine about everything
  • Pretty much sums it up right there
  • you're all good .. I dunno I kind of like a challenge .. so saying no is not a bad thing just say it in a playful way let him know its not cuz u dont like him and keep going from there .. playing hard to get and playing games is kind of different to me
  • A) The bears aren't playing soo forget screwing up my nutrition over two teams I could care less about.
  • I used to have the same problem. Especially at nights. I've been better lately by just trying to make sure I eat all my calories throughout the day with plenty of protein and fiber and a huge breakfast so that I don't get hungry or cravings later in the day/night.
  • me llamo daniel .. mucho gusto
  • turned 23 last week :) college sophomore .. yeah I took my time lol
  • Two a days? When I was boxing competitively and trying to keep my wind up, but trying to put on some more muscle as well it was some type of cardo (whether its road work, hitting the bag or sparring) in the mornings. Then I'd go about my day, eat enough calories to fuel and help my body recorver and try to take a nap (even…
  • I want to use that machine. What burned 700 calories in 30 minutes? Some gyms preset the weights and ages of their treadmills so you wont always get an accurate calorie count.
  • I'm actually a body pump instructor at my job and on the releases it ususally gives a calorie count of 550-650 calories burned each class, but that doesn't give a weight or anything like that just kind of lets you know which releases have more cardio aspects to them. But are you doing the at home tapes? I heard they just…
  • If you don't jump rope already you should add some of that in there. Even just a couple rounds here and there and you'll feel a difference. And if you do increase the time, tempo or type. I also try and stay moving a little bit in between rounds when sparring so I don't cramp or anything .. nothing crazy, maybe just a…
  • Good movie. I've heard its better to go organic on foods where you eat the skin like apples, peaches ect. and its not as much a difference on foods you don't eat the skin on like bananas, oranges ect. Also when trying to decide on a product at the store I always try to go with the one that has the number of ingredients…
  • everything everyone else said is good its best to switch it up and see what you like .. I have all types of frozen fruit in my freezer I grab depending on what I'm feeling like that day, sometimes I throw in Kale, wheat germ to get some texture and omega 3s , sometimes I'll sprinkle cinnamon or put a little hershey's pure…
  • What nutritional value do you not get from skim milk? Besides more protein and less calories & sugars there isn't any difference in the amount calcium or vitamins in either. Not sure I understand your reasoning.
  • Go organic .. its a little more expensive, but it lasts longer and there aren't any hormones or steroids injected into the cows that really do have an effect on our bodies. Also as to what kind of milk, I drink skim. Less calories, no saturated fat, less sugar and more protein. That would be my choice, especially if weight…
  • dubstep ... anything with a crazy bass drop !
  • Get in the pool! Will take a lot of the weight off so you can run in place shadow box side step or swim and to get your cardio in. Biggest Loser guy hurt his leg and lost a crazy amount of wait sitting in front of a mirror and shadowboxing. I might be a little biased, but I think thats a great way to break a sweat.…
  • I definitely need to check out that Eye of the Tiger remix .. never heard that one.
  • Congrats on breaking through that plateu ... 15 rounds is no walk in the park ... Keep doing your thing!
  • My names Daniel, I'm 23 and boxing has been my favorite sport for years now. I grew up wanted to be a boxer and started in high school then had a couple park district fights then amaeteur show fights and fought in the Chicago Golden Gloves 2 years ago (didn't win but got to the semi finals). I coach a teen boxing team at…
  • Well I grew up as a boxer and there's no belts or levels of progress really besides how many fights you've had. That's usually how you're classified. 21 and Under and less than 10 fights you are a novice, older than 21 with less than 10 fights you are a senior novice and more than 8 fights or any win in a major tournament…
  • A good motivation piece is get a really large notepad and every day tear out a sheet and stick it on your fridge. Write in a big marker everything you eat that day. Not only is it a good way to remember everything you ate while tracking on here, but its also motivation because everyone will see what you ate. Most important…
  • Chicagoan till Chicago Ends ! Mom is mexican and native american ... dad is italian.
  • A squat thrust is just half the exercise ... a better full description: and sped up: ... jumping rope is awesome too I agree , but burpees are good if you have nothing but yourself
  • Different people life different styles usually. Google or yelp and see if any stuidios in your area offer community classes or karma classes where its open to the public. Kind of cool so you can see which style you like without commiting to a membership or hurting your pocket for an expensive single class fee.
  • Burpees are awesome at home workouts .. you don't need any equiptment and they are great total body conditioning exercises .. if I don't have a lot of time for a workout or want to start my day off with a cardio challenge I'll try for 50-100 burpees. Maybe sets of 25 , 20 , 15 , whatever as long as I get to my number I set…