FR sent. I could always use more positive people (a good *kitten* kicking never hurts either)
I'm in the same boat. I started Insanity Max 30 last week and dropped 5lbs the first week (most of it water weight, that I knew and expected). This week so far I am up 2lbs from last week. I can't get discouraged though because I see other things changing (clothes fitting better, more energy during the day, sleeping better…
I play Dungeons and Dragons Online (Ghallanda server if anyone else plays) and I actually find I have an easier time loosing weight when I am playing then not. When I am not playing then I am reading or watching TV and with those activities I end up snacking too much. When playing DDO, I am more engaged and tend not to…
Medical Software trainer and Rockstar.
Always use pre-cooked weight.
Nope.... I can't even go to a regular beach (I have this thing with taking my shirt off in public), never mind a nude beach. I'll keep the nudity indoors where I wont scare people.
I do daily weigh ins, but I don't really take stock in most of them. I use them to evaluate my food choices and see how different things affect my body (sodium, carbs, etc). I only use my Friday numbers for tracking.
What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Silverware not being sorted in the dishwasher... I have no idea why this pisses me off, but it does. It takes 1 second to put the forks with the forks and the spoons with the spoons. Plus it makes putting them away so much easier. The irrational part is that I am really not that OCD anywhere else in life, so I'm not sure…
I use the Six Star Pro shake mix (you can get it at Walmart). It does the job for me (I use it for my breakfast mixed with unsweetened almond milk). If you want pre-mixed, I think the EAS shakes. Those taste the best IMO.
@Determined_ella: She was WAY too determined.. and she did that weird thing with her tongue that freaked me out a little.
@ Jenmar17: No, but with a smile like that I can see how easy it would be to crush on her.
Don't worry about if "people are going to make fun of you" for voicing your opinions. Take risks. Ask out that pretty girl. And for god's sake stop spending all your money at the video arcade! That crap will be free in a couple years anyway.
This. Elliptical is boring to me. So is the bike and treadmill. Running outdoors, however, is amazing to me. Also going a few rounds on the heavy bag is a great way to get your HR up without as much impact on your knees. Plus its great stress relief.
I usually set my oven for 400, then bake for 25-30 minutes. Always comes out perfectly.
<<<< Has lightsaber on desk, plays D&D online regularly, collects Star Wars book... I was Nerdy before Nerd was cool
This.. It's what I do. Makes things easy, and I get to eat what I want.
No.. Calling me fat does not make me want to loose weight. What motivates me is seeing myself in pictures. That keeps me going, but to each his own.
Never tried. Of course, one must be getting laid on a regular basis to actually track said calories. :|
There is no one right answer... to me, its not something I notice. I see the eyes and the smile first... and ok, the legs too...
@TLB: Absolutely
I confess that I should be working right now, but writing examples on how to use Problem Oriented Medical Records is just putting me to sleep.
I'm dying for a good Hot Toddy right now. Especially with this weather.
Captivating eyes and a smile that lights up a room. Confidence is always sexy too. If you walk into a room and own it, that is hot (not to be confused with arrogance).
OP: Is it possible to loose that weight that quickly? Sure, anything is possible, but be warned, it is going to suck big time. You have to be right on with your macros, you need to be working out constantly (probably doing 2x per day), and not slipping..... ever! Speaking from experience, you are going to be miserable.
Always looking for more friends to keep me motivated.
I think she has that stuff proudly displayed, not hiding. She is actually hiding her awesome earwax collection in there. ;-)
I do work out so that I look good naked. Granted, my wife is the only one who sees me that way, but why shouldn't I want to look good for her? Just because I am in a committed long term relationship (going to be 14 years married this year, and 23 together) doesn't mean I should let myself go. I've been down that road…