Mswonderful4u Member


  • I started yesterday with the fit test and today the exercise. I will keep you posted. I am right along with you. feel free to add me.
  • I am sure everyone has seen the biggest loser on t.v. and seeing people lose 10 and more pounds in a week. Do you think this is too much? Is it healthy? Has anyone on here done it and how?
  • :noway: Also you guys havent confused me. Thats what this site is for to make sure you balance out your carbs and protiens. I love this because I wouldn't have known what to count and so forth so it helps me to stay balanced. I was just recently told the samething you told me KMill to no more than once a week and carb it…
  • You know something I think you are right about the coffee!!!! I didnt know it effected iron. I did notice when I cut it out the first week I was great with my eating habits but when i gave into my craving I started feeling more tired than ever. I slept this weekend and didnt do any work out and today I feel a whole hell of…
  • I know I am anemic but I take vitamins high in iron so I know that isn't it. I honestly think its the carbs. I get the recommended from here daily but during this time I may need to boost it up just a little more. I read somewhere that bananas help with the soreness, believe it or not, my soreness is very minimum right…
  • :sad: I am so sorry to hear that your Pal died. I have three cats 8, 7 and 7 months old. I wouldn't know how to act with my older ones leaving me. I am so sorry.
  • Actually you do make a good point. I have cut way back on my carbs and only taking in 25 grams per big meals. I will take my day off from my work out to carb up a little more. You know whats so funny I ate a banana and believe it or not it gave me a little jolt. I just did this so maybe that is the trick. Thanks
  • :grumble: I have seen a lot of postings when it comes to PMS and the cravings. I for the most part am prepared for that but what about the fatigue and wanting to do nothing but sleep. I am going through a 12 week fitnes challenge and going into my 3rd week feeling so tired I can't lift a pound. I do the aerobics and the…
  • That is tough need Bob's encourging words along the way makes me want to do more for myself. Jill makes me want to do more for her and push the limits. I know if I had Bob I would more than likely continue even after the show. With Jill I will be wishing it was over! So for me it would be Bob for the encourgement and long…
  • It's funny how you guys are posting your weight daily. I just started my workout last week and 3 days later I lost 2 pounds and then 3 days after my weigh in i gained 5 pounds. I am back down 3 pound but I said "WHAT THE HECK" to myself and was upset for a minute. So THANK YOU for letting me know I am not the only one!!…
  • Welcome to both of you! I am originally from Ohio born and raised. So welcome. I will encourage you as much as I can. I just started on this site this week myself. As I learn new things I will chime in. I have joined a fitness challenge at my gym and it is great (hard work). So maybe look into your area. Again as I learn…
  • Hello everyone. Thank you for the much needed support! I love this page already it has everything and I can keep track of everything I eat. Helps me to plan ahead. Can't wait to see the results..for my bootcamp pals..Good Luck!!