PMS...Fatigue...Muscles Hurt and No Motivation



  • Mswonderful4u
    Mswonderful4u Posts: 14 Member
    Also you guys havent confused me. Thats what this site is for to make sure you balance out your carbs and protiens. I love this because I wouldn't have known what to count and so forth so it helps me to stay balanced. I was just recently told the samething you told me KMill to no more than once a week and carb it out and when i get back on track i will be better than before because our bodies do adjust so this is another form of shock. Also to do it at different times.

    Thank you all for your support I have taken your advice and it has helped me..carb up once and again, get sleep, drink plenty of water (cut the coffee), and take enough protien to sustain but not overdose.

    GOT IT! Now I am remotivated!

    Going to start a new topic about how much weight is too much weight to lose in a week or two.

    Luv yah!
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    haha righteous!

    I wouldn't recommend anyone losing more than 1-2 lbs a week. I have seen some people like the biggest loser kind who lose too much weight too fast, and are just unhappy because of the loose skin & stretch marks. They say the younger you are, the more you can get away with losing more weight quicker, but the way I see it whats the rush. IF you just eat right and take care of your body, it will take care of your self-esteem and mind! Just eat right, get plenty of sleep and water, let your body rid the fat its comfortable with shedding on its own.

    If you just try and lose the weight all at once, it will only make you happy and go binge back to where you started. I've seen it way too many times! Don't ever be satisfied. Cheat once a week if you obtain your goal body. Live life to its fullest!!