gracielynn1011 Member


  • Let me clarify, by exercise I don't mean a formal, structured program, obviously she would be way to young for that and would not like it. I mean kids activities. She hates going outside. She would be perfectly content just sitting in the house all day watching TV, which we limit because that isn't healthy for any of us.…
  • I did take a rest day each week, where I took a break from the DVD and just took a good walk at a decent pace. I spent 10 work out days on each level, so roughly 2 weeks each. If you feel any strain on your knees, or any other joints, modify the moves. For example, on any of the squat moves, she says keep your feet at hip…
  • I have had similar thing happen. I had some health problems, which turned into a list of excuses as to why I hadn't picked it back up. I gained back some weight, and lost some strength. I started back just before the new year, and am pleased to find that you get back in the swing of things pretty quickly. I am…
  • I couldn't even do 9 minutes when I started, even doing the modified moves. I could only do about 5-6 minutes, then I tested for 30-45 seconds, and picked back up. It took more than 30 days for me to finish well, but I did. And it paid off, to the best of my memory, I lost around 15 lbs, and around 20 inches off my total…
  • The best thing that helps me is to honestly and plainly remind myself that this is about health. I know it sounds cliche, and everybody says it, but it's true. Any time I feel down about myself, I instantly give myself a firm talking to that this is about being healthy, being strong, being happy. It also helps that I now…
  • For some reason I heard Bob the Builders voice in my head saying "Yes, we can!" Completely ignore that if you don't have kids, or just in general think I'm nuts now. Lol. But yes, you can. Yes, we can.
  • I typed out this book of a response and then realized it was in the wrong thread. :D Hunger pangs... High protein or high fiber snacks. Drink more water. That's all I got. Sorry I'm completely lame tonight. Lol
  • Go to the stronglifts website, tons of info there about the program and videos on form to use. Also, the stronglifts app is great. It's easy to use and it's free, but their are "extras" that you can add on for a small fee. If you liked stronglifts before, you'll like it this time too.
  • We are our own worst critics. I can see a drastic change in your pictures, but you don't. I'm the same way with my own self. Don't delete your post, come back amd look at the positive encouragement when you feel down.
  • Are you a beginner weight lifter? Most of the DVD that I know of are cardio mixed, and are for beginners using light dumb bells. Chalean Extreme does focus on a good mix of cardio and strength using dumb bells, going as heavy as you can. If you are looking to do heavy strength training, you would be better off getting a…
  • It's true! Sound awesome to me. :)
  • Do you mean during exercise, normal daily temp, or rest in temp? I monitor my rest I temp first thing in the AM, but for other reasons than weight loss. I have not noticed any correlation between my temp and my weight.
  • I do. Ours stocks some produce that are grown locally, and they do usually have good meat products. I usually get the 5 lb roll of burger, then separate it out into 1 lb freezer bags. Same with other meats, I get the jumbo packs, and separate it out. We've never had a problem with fresh foods that we have gotten there.
  • Ask her to make mini desserts. my husband loves sweets, so instead of a cake, I make cupcakes. I eat one, he eats 6, I take the rest to work. Same with other things, make mini brownies, mini cheesecakes. If its something I cant make smaller, then I cut it up before serving it and pack half of it away.
  • Wow. (Wipes drool away)
  • My husband didn't mention my weight loss effort at first either. When I brought it up, he said "I've noticed, but didn't say anything, because I didn't want you to think I thought you were fat." Now that he knows I am okay talking about it, he brags on me, he talks to me about eating habits, he mentions if I've skipped a…
  • Hi! I have a flex. My mother got it for me for Christmas this past year. I do like it. I find it accurate for step tracking. You can also enter other activities on the fitbit app, and it is fairly accurate on the calorie burns with that as well, although I usually don't, unless I'm not wearing my fitbit at the time. I like…
  • I would at least make some shoes. Maybe a piece of bark from a fallen tree, held on by vines tied around the foot and ankle. Just something to protect the feet from direct contact with rough terrain while foraging for food and other potential supplies.
  • Last summer was the hottest I remember, with several weeks of temps over 100, but that was also unusual. We also had drought conditions. But most summers, we have moderate temperature but the humidity is high, which makes it muggy.
  • Wow. I hadn't seen this girl. I live in KY. We had 1 summer that I can remember with temps consistently over 100. Most of the time we cap out around 85-90. I'm embarrassed for her.
  • It makes it worse when they sit there at the beginning talking like they do this all the time, and they take survival trips every weekend, and they are so in their element. Then on day 3, they are ready to tap out because "im dying, I can't do this anymore."
  • I would do it. I would take a pot. The worse part to me is the lazy partners. I get frustrated at the episodes where one partner is doing everything and the other is just sitting there waiting. Waiting for food, waiting for shelter, waiting for the fire to magically appear and firewood to magically stack.
  • Try this one. I used it for several months last year and enjoyed it and made great progress. I only changed it up because I was able to purchase more equipment and expand.
  • I like my fitbit flex. I don't really rely on it for the calorie count, even though I have found it to be fairly accurate. I do love to keep track of activity, and try to beat my own records. I don't have any friends there, until today, I added my cousin. It really all comes down to the fact that it is a tool; it will only…
  • It doesn't matter if you go to the gym. What does matter is that you find something that you enjoy and that works for your schedule and life.
  • Honestly, you just have to make time for it. I understand you're very busy, I have 3 kids and work full time myself. I just have to remind myself to make time for a work out, and you will have to do the same. Since it has been pretty outside, me and the kids have been walking each evening. Maybe you can walk on campus or…
  • Calories in vs. Out is definitely the recipe for weight loss. But if you have more specific goals in mind, such as a specific body fat %, or building muscle, or anything else, then you may need to focus on more specific macros. For my self, I have found that I can eat my daily allowance in junk food and still lose weight,…
  • I did weight watchers years and years ago and was never successful. First of all, I was not self motivated enough. Second, I didnt get the support I needed from the meetings. The workers all told me that I was young and didnt even need to be there, even while they took my money. There was no WW online then. Once I became…
  • Same. The guys at work also say "What are you having today, a carrot?" Like theu think I dont eat or something. Sometimes its frustrating. Sometimes I laugh it of and say something silly. "Why yes, I think I will have a carrot or two today!"