cl2k4 Member


  • Maybe too muscular to be attractive to certain men but as women our bodies are ours and we can chose to be healthy or unhealthy, and can take steps to be attractive to all, no, or some men. Most men (I hope!) think that a woman is strong, healthy, and confident in her own skin is sexiest. As long as these women aren't…
  • Be careful with losing weight quickly! I lost 60 pounds in 6 months in 2007 (so about 2 pounds a week) and had gained all but 10 of it back 9 months later. When I lost the same 60 pounds in 2008 (so about a pound a week) I only gained 30 of it back by mid 2010. Now, I have lost about 35 since then at a rate of a half pound…
  • It's there FOREVER. I was a fat kid, (230 at 14) and have gotten down to 150 (not my goal but I'm on my way!) in the past 8-9 years. The stretch marks and extra skin never go away. you can always try and tone up, and will probably get firmer, but the puckering stays forever!!! Also, you already look FANTASTIC!!!! You…
  • I cycled between 153 and 158 from January to May! I've been losing for about a year now and have dropped like 28 pounds total but that 5 month period made me really want to give up again! What ended up working was keeping on track during the weekends too. I would be under during the week and take a day off saturday where I…
  • YEAH RIGHT. This is why every time I've gone on the pill (3 different times, 3 different pills) I have gained over 20 pounds in SIX WEEKS? Eating 1500 calories a day and working out? Yeah... No evidence of weight gain. They just don't want to say "some women gain weight, excessively, and we don't know who, so come try our…
  • Don't get discouraged! this is something I have battled for about five years. I realized the problem is I let myself stop when I get to a 'comfortable' weight instead of keeping on with the weight loss and pushing through the plateau. Here's something I've realized in this process: when going from obese to healthy, your…