Best goal for weekly weight loss?

Hiya, I am a newbie and I hsave set my weekly weight loss at one pund but I am starting to think I should move it up to tweo pounds (or about one kilo since I am using kilos to measure my weight). Any suggestions? First week going really well, feeling good and learning lots about calories!! :) Current weight 87kilos, goal weight 70 kilos.


  • heatherdills
    heatherdills Posts: 53 Member
    I set mine for 1-1/2 lbs per week. That seems to work well for me. Good luck!!
  • FindingMyself239
    I would stay where you are but if you up for te challenge why not???? go for it and feel free 2 add me im alwy here:)
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    I have mine set at 2lbs a week. I did this becaue I don't eat enough and send my body into starvation mode. So losing one pound a week was alot of food for me to consume that I wasn't used to. Having it set for two pounds allows me to eat more to keep from going to starvation mode and continue to exercise. I think you should play with it a little and see whats best for you. I only lose about a pound to a pound and a half a week. It really just depends
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I have mine set to 1lb a week as recommended, and I have been losing every week. Slow is best, more likely to keep it off.
  • cl2k4
    cl2k4 Posts: 6 Member
    Be careful with losing weight quickly! I lost 60 pounds in 6 months in 2007 (so about 2 pounds a week) and had gained all but 10 of it back 9 months later. When I lost the same 60 pounds in 2008 (so about a pound a week) I only gained 30 of it back by mid 2010. Now, I have lost about 35 since then at a rate of a half pound a week average and though this has taken me 14 months I feel healthier, have more energy, and don't even feel like I am on a diet!

    when you lose too fast your metabolism shuts down unless you continue to eat at your weight loss calories... making maintenance impossible unless you want to live the rest of your life practically starving. Try for 1/2 to 3/4 a pound per week. Not only is it easier to keep up a diet that is less extreme, because the calories won't be too much lower than your maintenance calories going to maintenance after you reach your goal will be easier and you won't gain it back.
  • Bellyroll
    Ill say this I was at 2 lbs a week and it was hard for me to stick to the cals goal. so I lowered it to 1lbs a week and it worked so much better for me. I am losing for weight at 1 lbs then at 2. Also I am trying to get my vitamins in and its hard to get those in on a 1200 cal diet. Well it was hard for me to get them in. So good luck with everything.
  • jofromnz
    jofromnz Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! This is my first week so I will see what the scales say! I will stick with one pound for now and see how it goes! I am loving the community aspect of this site - just awesome!!