magicalpony Member


  • Hey guys I just wanted to thank you all for such wonderful responses. I've been tracking religiously for 2 weeks now, and I'm super happy with results so far. It took about a week, but my cravings for snacking, etc are pretty much gone. I have found that I eat about every 2 hours, alternating with a meal and a healthy…
  • Bunch of mfp friends!!! Lol that makes more sense
  • Add me. I did mfp on my own for 3 months, lost weight, then did it another 9 months on and off and gained again. Now with a good bunch of mfp, I am getting results I want.
  • Also, about me. I'm at a normal weight- slightly on the high end. I need to tone mostly, and I'm just learning that high protein is good and helps fill me up. It's amazing how much filling a slightly higher cal is than snacking all afternoon on low cal stuff. So if you're anything like me, snacking may be more of a habit.…
  • Hi :) I actually posted quite a similar topic when I first started using these forums. In the last two weeks I've found these to be really good low cal (relatively)/ good snacks. I eat meals/snack about every two hours. It took about a week until the huge light headedness/hunger pains faded. The hardest part is not…
  • Hi. What do you mean?
  • Having that as a weight loss goal is pretty amazing though. It should help you keep inspired, even on those hard days. (I can barely even stick to 4 days of hard core diet) LOL.
  • I will NEVER get on a horse without a helmet- no matter how safe they are. My only exception to this is next year in my wedding pictures, I am planning to be mounted for some of them. However, even that makes me nervous. I've heard and saw about some gruesome riding accidents; even some without the horse even moving!…
  • I agree; is there anyway you could look into leasing Snazzy out? I would feel horrible if you got him a 'great' home that turned out not to be a great home, when it's much more likely for a younger mare to find a forever home. Perhaps retire your older guy?
  • Hi! Yay another rider. I personally count riding (to the minute haha) as exercise. My reasoning is that I am counting literally every calorie I put in my body, so I can count every calorie I earn. I do have trouble staying in my calorie allotment sometimes, so it may be different for other people. Barn work though most…
  • Thank you! That's my heart horse who unfortunately passed away last year. I thought it was cool we could personalize the tickers and he ends up on most of my pictures :) What kind of riding did you do ? I do mainly hunter/ jumper- non competively since I don't have much $$, ever. LOL.
  • I just went on 'thinspo' for the first time ever and want to throw up. There are some times that social media is helpful. And there are some times that it is not. This is a latter case.
  • Hi! I'm 23 and a full time Vet Med student. Add me if you wish!
  • I think it may be a bit of both. I graze when I'm nervous, etc, but not after I've had a filling meal. Example, I started eating very healthy in the last two days and I've had almost no problem staying in my calories with only being slightly hungry at end of day. But if I eat a less filling meal, which is unavoidable…
  • Thanks everyone! It definitely helps.