

  • Thanks everyone!! Glad I am not the only one struggling :) My biggest issues are the weekends - I always have fun events planned, that 99% of the time involve food and/or alcohol. This weekend for example I am doing a cupcake (pumpkin with rum buttercream frosting!) baking class, followed by dinner out tonight, then…
  • This is just what I was looking for - I'd like to join as well! First MFP challenge for me!
  • Ditto! I could use some friends to help me stay motivated - add me :)
  • I have lower back issues and my dr recommended stretching daily (specific lower back stretching) and strengthening core. So I figure Pilates takes care of both of those things :) Also, running does not bother me unless I over do it.
  • Bringing back the small successes....I went to the kitchen to cut up my apple and there is a giant box of hand made chocolate covered pretzels (one of my biggest weaknesses). I resisted and went with the apple!
  • Yeah, same, I am visiting a friend tomorrow in my college town to help her shop for a wedding gown and I just want to eat all my old college faves (which are NOT healthy). Then Father's Day BBQ Sunday. Ok so for the challenge - let's make it attainable, yet not easy. 1.) Only allowed two 'bad' meals (as in not your normal…
  • sunnmuun - I have never heard of that book, you will have to let us know how it is. Seeing a change in the mirror is better than scale anyways. I've been having that same issue myself recently, I'll feel that I look like the scale should be moving down, alas it stays the same or goes up!!!! I just don't get it sometimes.
  • Do we want to try another weekend challenge?
  • Thanks! I think the change in workout routine will help me out alot. Plus, since I have been staying with my friend I have been walking 2+ miles a day to/from work/gym (and I am speed walker) so hoping it all adds up!
  • Moody - It is hard to stay positive and keep going when you aren't seeing the results you want when you want them. I struggle with that a lot. It definitely sounds like some muscle gain if the mirror is looking good and you don't feel like you have gained fat. Mommy - 5 lbs is a great accomplishment!!! I am sorry you…
  • If I was surrounded by all that party junk food, I would have had a very hard time too. I am sure you resisted a decent amount of it though...and you were being an awesome and fun mom :)
  • Moody - I guess in calorie world it was a success but in terms of the content of what I put into my bod, it was quite the failure, haha. Oh well. Sounds like you are steadily making small improvements in the past few weekends - good job! It is probably better that way so that the change will eventually just stick without…
  • How did it go everyone? I kind of miserably failed. Friday was fine, but Saturday I hardly ate for some reason (unlike me) and drank a ton of heavy beers at a beer fest. I ate well when I did eat though (kashi, soy milk and blue berries and a chicken and mozarella/red peppers sandwich). The lack of food and lots of beer…
  • Yeah, not trying to get injured. I will definitely be careful. I usually err on the side of caution when it comes to weights so at least I already have that mind set. I am just looking forward to challenging myself in a new environment. I used to love going to my person trainer and lifting so I am hoping to like this too.…
  • Tae bo class last night was REALLY hard. The instructor always classifies her classes as hard, harder or suicide. Last night she decided suicide...ugh. I usually don't make it through the full hour when she does that but last night I stuck it out. I thought I was going to puke or faint 30 mins into it but I just made…
  • Sunshine - when I drink like a frat boy, I EAT like a frat boy. It's the late night food that gets me. Pizza and cheese fries everywhere - how do you say no at 3am after bars?! So, yes, I do get hungier when I am drinking, at least I THINK I am hungrier. Weekend drinking is def why I have not lost weight (and gained some)…
  • OP - Thanks for reporting back, so glad you enjoyed it/think it is worth it :) After reading everyones comments (besides the negative nancy) I am more encouraged to try it out. I reached out to 2 different locations near me to find out when I can come in for consultations -aaaah! PS If I EVER master doing a pull up I am…
  • So true, which is why I don't beat myself up TOO much over it :) Good call on eating alot of veggies and protein too...
  • You guys have covered pretty much all of the lessons I have learned but a few that I have to constantly remind myself of are: - It takes TIME. Being persistent, patient and putting in hard work will get you there eventually - "Failing to plan is planning to fail" - planning out your week of meals/workouts is important to…
  • Kat - that is awesome you are training for a 10K! I love running :) I am running a 10 miler in August on the beach - it gets super hot for this race so my goal is to feel comfortable enough with myself to run it in a sports bra (we will see how THAT goes!) Ok so we all agree weekends are HARD! I am thinking for the…
  • These are really good! I'll have to take some time to reflect on what I have learned over the past few years!
  • Kat - I would not have been able to resist the batter and icing either! What a good Mom you are making cupcakes twice in one weekend :) I had a somewhat small success last night, I am in between places (I hate being a nomad) and was staying at my parents last night and as always, my mom put enough food on my dinner plate…
  • You guys are right, my legs and bi's were sore from moving until Saturday, I was moving out of an apt which was up 3 flights of stairs in 90+ degree weather. I went up and down them carrying boxes 10+ times. Ick! I am glad to say goodbye to those stairs, that is for sure. Kat - are you training for something? Sounds like…
  • Please let me know how it goes! I am going to try to go for a consultation in the next week or so. I am really interested. Like you, I feel stuck in my own routines and I also have not been pushing myself enough. Would love to know how the consult goes!
  • Free office food is always the worst! I mean it's really nice but it is usually NOT healthy and so hard to resist when it is just sitting there staring at you :) I was craving a good breakfast muffin for the past week, so last night I made a batch of healthified banana oat muffins (with some choco chips added)! It was the…
  • Happy Monday guys (ugh)! How did the weekend go for everyone? I was ok....made some good choices and some bad ones. I was exhausted from moving Thursday night and had to help my Mom with my sisters graduation party on Saturday so I unfortunately did not get any work outs in. Now that my move is almost done, I am really…
  • Hi Sunshine! Welcome :) Weekends are my toughest times too! I started a thread in here so we can report on our weekends. Check it out!
    in Hi! Comment by K_Mcfadden321 June 2013
  • Moody - sounds like an intense, but awesome, workout! Mommy - walking in the rain, I am impressed! I would have probably curled up on the couch ;) PGG - hey, getting a significant other on board is going to probably end up being really helpful to you! That's great, my bf is the one who causes me to eat worse/more than I…
  • I love churros!!!! I am sure you walked every calorie off anyways :) Glad you enjoyed them guilt free - that is the best!
  • Nice job :) Today I got a mango chicken salad from Qdoba. Ordered it without the shell but they accidentally gave it to me. When I got back to the office I dumped the salad onto the plate and threw out the shell (even though it looked so yummy and crunchy)! Salad was super yummy and ~400 cals.